If they are humans too, they would have attempted at correcting the mistakes.
We would likely see a clear disconnect from us and the rest of the Phylogenetic tree of life.
I wouldn't bother with all this hair for one. Wouldn't have the nasal passage and the oral passage ways connected. provide more then just two sets of teeth. Add a second heart. Reinforce the spine so it can better support an erect posture. The digestive system would be completely different, capably of removing poisons and other harmful substances more efficiently, make it less prone to parts failing and only have one orifice for waste extraction dedicating solely for the purpose. Reproductive organs would have it's own dedicated area. Just to name a few changes.
It depends on how the "erfect" human being looks. It is impossible to make a human that is objectively and in any case perfect. You just have to make one that is best adapted at it's environment. Put it in an other situation or environment, and it won't be perfect anymore; probably still good adapted, but not perfect.
So if we can do it then why couldn't have we been made by a human like figures?
We are far from being perfect in any situation at all, so we couldn't have been made by humanoids who wanted to make the perfect humans, unless they failed. Which would be surprising considering the level of technology and knowledge they would have to have.