Today when I first looked at the tavern I saw that half of the topics were locked. I must say, it looked very bad. What would a newcomer think seeing that half of the threads in our forums are locked? He wouldn't have a good impression, I suppose. So I'm saying: why not deleting them? I'm not suggesting to delete everything, a lot of threads had good posts before becoming spammy, but those ones were 100% spam, so I think deleting them would be much better.
If they were deleted than the person who made them would wonder what happened to it and wouldn't learn their lesson. I could see this happening if the mods would leave them a message explaining what happened. Besides fro that, locked threads get buried quickly.
I delete them when I see fit. Most mods does not delete threads that have been replied to, because most of the repliers are good users with good replies, and should not lose their AP because someone can't make threads.
The ones this morning were not fit for deleting due to the replies. Had everyone ignored them after reporting them, they had been removed the moment I got online.
What would a newcomer think seeing that half of the threads in our forums are locked?
I don't know, I'm not the person. But what I would think if I was new and saw some of the threads locked - I would go into the threads to see what caused them to get locked then I would better understand it. Then after that I would go post something constructive into some other threads to bury the locked ones.
Every community has some bad threads that deserve to be locked - AG is no different. You can't delete all the threads just because one person messed up. It's good to just lock them then ignore them and proceed with whatever you're doing.
how spammy or trolling this question might be.
This thread isn't spammy or trolling in any way. You need to read the definition of both those words before you use them.
It would be good to have better topic seperation, because when i see 20 pages of topics, i'm never going to get to that 20th, because tomorow there will be 10-20 more. It would be nice not to lock topics, but to take question and couple of best answers, and lock it like that. On some topics ( Raze, AM, Sonny ) you have more than 10 pages of comments, pure rubbish, exept few good ones ( most are like "can't wait" )