ForumsWEPRAtheists vs Christians

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639 posts

No this is not about who is right or wrong. This is about relationships between users. The struggle between Atheists and Christians on here is ridiculous. It is like there is an ongoing civil war taking place on Armor Games. Can't we all just be friends? Atheists, there is no need to put down anything relating to religion just for the sake of criticizing other's beliefs, and Christians, there is no need to criticize Atheists' beliefs, or lack thereof, and impress your belief system upon them. Seriously everyone needs to just accept that people see things differently, and we need to respect the fact that people are entitled to their opinions. We need to recognize that if someone is a Christian that doesn't mean that they aren't intelligent and are illogical. Likewise Atheists aren't soulless, grey people with no love. Let's all just get along.

  • 29 Replies
639 posts

Offering up an unfounded explanation is hardly an explanation at all. There are much better methods of determining reality and explaining the world.

it is still an opinion
3,817 posts

while what science shows is extremely likely, we can't say 100% that it is all correct. also that definition can be very soundly applied to religion.

So when someone says "Gravity pulls two bodies toward each other", you get up and yell "WELL THAT IS YOUR OPINION! Scientists are not 100% certain on that!". No. It doesn't work that way. When we have over 90% and the facts go directly against what you are stating, you are wrong. Dead wrong.

once again religion would definitely be a personal view or attitude.

No, it wouldn't. The same way gravity would be a &quotersonal view or attitude", you can't just go "Well, gravity isn't 100% proven, so I will be able to say faeries hold two bodies together."

we don't know 100% that there is nothing incorrect or wrong with what science tells us.

Because 100% is an impossible factor for certainty in science. But when we are talking about gravity and you state that there is faeries not pulling things together but pushing them apart, the facts go totally against this and you are not even in the realm of being correct.

hey man i'm not saying that science is incorrect and i'm not saying it is correct i'm just saying religion is one big oppinion.

Just like gravity, electricity, and light are all just opinions?
639 posts

Just like gravity, electricity, and light are all just opinions?

not at all. let's say that religion is incorrect. that doesn't mean that it isn't an opinion. opinions can be incorrect.
3,817 posts

not at all. let's say that religion is incorrect. that doesn't mean that it isn't an opinion. opinions can be incorrect.

Yes. Yes it does. Opinions are things like "Wow, this burger tastes good!". You can never be wrong with opinions, as the are just your personal view off things. So why is a fact like gravity, electricity, and light are all facts, while this other fact is just an opinion?
639 posts

So why is a fact like gravity, electricity, and light are all facts, while this other fact is just an opinion?

1) never said gravity was an opinion.

2) if religion isn't an opinion then what is it? it surely is not fact.
3,817 posts

1) never said gravity was an opinion.

2) if religion isn't an opinion then what is it? it surely is not fact.

Exactly. Gravity isn't an opinion. Neither is religion. Religion is religion, of course, but what is really there is fact. It is just mythology to take the place of the little things science is still working on. Science is the fact, that there is no god, no spirits, no Nirvana, or anything like that. Religion is what people pretend is there, a deception. A lie. A con. But the fact that we are speaking about what happened, they would be considered "fact" if they where correct, which they are not.
9,462 posts

we don't know 100% that there is nothing incorrect or wrong with what science tells us.

Science has to remain falsifiable This allows for some of it's strengths in determining reality to function.

not at all. let's say that religion is incorrect. that doesn't mean that it isn't an opinion. opinions can be incorrect.

I'm fine with calling religion an opinion. I just don't see it very useful for determining reality and can even get in the way of the process.
70 posts

Science has to remain falsifiable This allows for some of it's strengths in determining reality to function.

So science has to remain untrue, for it to be true? Please clear this up for me.

The problem is, when religion tries to insert itself into matters it does not belong. Take the entire creationism movement. It is, put simply, the efforts of religious folks to force science to bend to the bible.
Or take gay marriage, it is religious folks trying to force societal to abide by it's bible, never mind the menagerie of different faiths.

"Creationism movement", then would there not be a "Evolution movement"? Science interferes with a matter of belief, we do not have full evidence that humans were formed from monkies, only a small variety of similarities. A bias conforms science.
23,530 posts

There are know knowns and there are known unkowns, but there are also unkown unkowns things we don't know we don't know. Just cause you don't have evidence that something does exist does not mean that you have evidence that something does not exist. The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence

554 posts

No this is not about who is right or wrong. This is about relationships between users. The struggle between Atheists and Christians on here is ridiculous. It is like there is an ongoing civil war taking place on Armor Games. Can't we all just be friends? Atheists, there is no need to put down anything relating to religion just for the sake of criticizing other's beliefs, and Christians, there is no need to criticize Atheists' beliefs, or lack thereof, and impress your belief system upon them. Seriously everyone needs to just accept that people see things differently, and we need to respect the fact that people are entitled to their opinions. We need to recognize that if someone is a Christian that doesn't mean that they aren't intelligent and are illogical. Likewise Atheists aren't soulless, grey people with no love. Let's all just get along.

We will if they can provide proof. If i said I believe in Harry Potter I'd egt laughed at, why is a magic sky fairy different?
64 posts

I feel for Kalb789,

All he was saying was chill out a little.
Put your hands up and say:
"Hey, we may not always agree. We may be from different worlds
but you are still my brother".
And straight away the stoning began.

I guess it's kinda funny
in a really tragic sort of way.

879 posts

This is a debate forum so it's kinda normal that people are debating.

"Creationism movement", then would there not be a "Evolution movement"? Science interferes with a matter of belief, we do not have full evidence that humans were formed from monkies, only a small variety of similarities. A bias conforms science.

That's probably one of the reasons why Atheists are so "agressive". Religion is not falsifiable because it claims to be the truth. You just say God is omnipotent, he can do whatever he wants. That's why you can't teach religion as science.
If objective evidence points out to evolution you have to accept evolution. And yes, there's a huge amount of evidence for evolution. Period.
9,462 posts

So science has to remain untrue, for it to be true? Please clear this up for me.

No it doesn't mean it has to be untrue it means there has to remain conditions if shown to be true would falsify the theory.

"Creationism movement", then would there not be a "Evolution movement"? Science interferes with a matter of belief, we do not have full evidence that humans were formed from monkies, only a small variety of similarities. A bias conforms science.

It's a huge variety of similarities, genetic similarities, and fits with observations in the fossil record.
5,001 posts

This is a debate forum. If you do not find it favorable to participate in these topics, then don't. Other like to debate such things.

If something gets out of hand, then it needs to be reported to a moderator. Other than that, pretty much any debate is welcome, even if it has been done several times.

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