ive heard it enugh that i like it T_T save me
I dont think its a bad song but its not really that good either. Im just tired of it at this point
I mean, I bet the song was quite popular in the 70's or 80's but now that it has been sent around the interent people have just become tired of it.
A few decades ago it was a song, now it's closer to a joke than anything else.
good song, but is pretty much a internet joke
Not much contribution, but have a link. (besides this thread has no real point. As in theres nothing to keep it alive)
The Rick Roll is kinda getting old.There are better songs out there, at least.Like this one, for example.
Jonathan Coulton rick rolls people in real life.(skip to 30)
What is this the 80's?
The songs alright but everyone's right about the internet jokes, it's kind of passed it's sell by date.
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