That is quite interesting. It is a real breakthrough in genetics, in terms of cloning people and animals.
Even though they cloned a sheep in 1996, this is different, because they didn't make a new animal, but an animal that clones itself. It is self-sufficient and may become the first species that does not need its eggs to be fertilized.
Parthenogenesis, nothing new but really interesting that it also can occur in lizards. So far I only knew it from the insects we have at home in terrariums (they rarely produce males, but if no male is around, females switch to parthenogenesis). Budding of offsprings is also known from some plants and a lot of microorganisms.
Sorry to break your buble, but it really is nothing new.. here's a link to parthenogenesis article in wikipedia, and here's the link to the Insect species I was talking about.
Cloning? Uh, big deal. Cloning is essentially a misinterpreted way to say anaerobic reproduction, or in other words, one parent creates the child and gives birth to it.
this is bad for all of us guys. once women figure out how to clone themselves they will never have a reason to mate with us
Who says mating is only for reproduction ? There's still the fun factor, and not all women are lesbian. One problem though would be that feminists would likely create their own state and eradicate all men in the world as soon as they have acquired parthenogenetic females in their rank.
One problem though would be that feminists would likely create their own state and eradicate all men in the world as soon as they have acquired parthenogenetic females in their rank.
I suppose we might be kept around as pets in such a case.
I suppose we might be kept around as pets in such a case.
Hahiha is right though. We would be allowed to pleasure the women, just because not all women are lesbians. And you have to admit that being alive for the sole purpose of banging chicks would be awesome.