I've been seeing an increase of computer problem threads in this sub-forum. So I'm going to create this thread for people to read if they have computer problems and post about their problem on here then somebody will answer them if the following list of tips doesn't resolve those issues.
If you are experiencing computer problems such as lag, games not loading, the site going slow then here are a few tips:
- Make sure that your browser is updated. Firefox and Google Chrome are the best browsers out there, so use one of those. - Make sure that your flash player is updated to the latest. - Check if you are actually connected to the Internet. - Run your anti-virus, you could have a virus on your computer that's slowing down everything. - If you are on a slow computer then close those unnecessary tabs. - Use a cleaning tool that'll clean out those unnecessary files off of your computer and it will speed things up. Here's a program that will clean out your PC and make it run faster: CCleaner Here are some programs that will clean out your Mac and make it run faster: OnyX IceClean MainMenu
If there are more serious issues than lag or the site going down, then you should post in the suggestions. This thread is just for general stuff that people always post in the forums.
If there are more serious issues than lag or the site going down, then you should post in the suggestions.
These are serious issues that people face with lag, since they always post so many threads about it. And the site rarely goes down - site going down means it affects many people. But with their lag threads - many people aren't affected about it. So this thread is here to show people what they can do to resolve the lag.