stage 1: lv 1 metalibi 48 hp 100 f stage 2: lv 2 metalibi 56 hp 100 f stage 3: both enemies from level 1 and 2 stage 4:lv 2 metalibi and a lv 1 zombie with 62 hp and 100f stage 5: 2 lv 2 zombies 75 hp 100f stage 6:2 metalibi lv 2 and 1 lv 2 zombie stage 7: the first boss very weak a healer with 96 hp a atacker with 96 hp and the leader with 112 hp and he can stun you 1 turn
the rest of the enemies walktrough will come soon.
if you can't beat the ship level i will not help you i will help from the second level if i think that you are not hopeles and a tip do training fights at least level until six but better to level 8