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ForumsThe TavernInheritance Cycle

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the inheritance cycle is Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, and the upcoming book.

ok, so as i am sure all you Eragon fans have heard, the fourth, and sadly, final book will be coming out some time around september. i was just wondering what you thought of the cycle, or series whatever you want to call it, also any predictions you have of what will happen in the fourth book. and do not just say "i liked the series" post more than that, as you should in all forums.

for my review of the book i would say something like: i thought this cycle was amazing, by far my favorite. if you are thinking "i will go see the movie and then maybe read the book", stop thinking. the movie does not give the book justice at all. if i wanted to tell you all the flaws in the movie, i would be typing for a week. get the book, read it, and then read the others, and then you will understand my excitement for the upcoming book.

My predictions for the upcoming book are:

1)Vault of Souls:for the people who haven't read the books, in the first book a fortune-teller by the name of Angela, tell Eragon his fortune, and her werecat tell Eragon, not so much his fortune, but a prediction. part of the prediction was "when all seems lost and your power is insufficient, go to the Rock of Kuthian and speak your name to open the Vault of Souls."i can not predist where or what the rock of kuthian is, but i predict the vault of souls is a place where there are many dragons Eldunari, or hearts of hearts. if you want to know what the Eldunari is, read the book, i cannot explain everything.

2)i also predict that the last dragon egg will somehow be stolen from Galbatorix, and that it will hatch for a woman, most likely a younger elf, and then Eragon and the woman will fall in love, and the tragedy of the story will be told in the next prediction.

3)part of the Angela's fortune for Eragon was that he would leave Alegasia with somebody else. my next prediction is that as soon as Eragon and his love are truly in love Eragon will leave Alegasia for an unknown reason, but his love will not be the other person that leaves, but i can not predict who will be the other person.

4)my final prediction is that Murtagh and Thorn will turn good, either after Galbatorix is dead and or before he is killed and help kill Galbatorix, and that when Eragon leaves Alegasia, Murtagh will become the kind of peace keeper in Alegasia, with the other dragon rider by his side.

  • 21 Replies
1,614 posts

I didn't even know there was going to be another book. The third book came out in like what 2008? I don't even remember what is going on in the series.

330 posts

wolf1991, the books were wesome because they have good action scenes, an extremely good storyline, i mean the only thing i didnt like were the stupid attempts to get arya in the second book.

237 posts

I think that arya is going to be the other dragon rider because since she already knows magic, it wouldn't be redundant describing her training, and also I read somewhere that the dragon is going to be green and Arya has green eyes and she has hinted in the series that she likes the color green. I don't know if they are related, but they could be. Oh, and I also have a feeling that Eragon is going to slay Gabatorix in a really epic way, possibly involving his new sword. Murgath is probably going to turn into a good guy at the last second.

1,766 posts

I'm reading Brinsingr again because I read it a few years back without reading Eragon or Eldest and I was lost. Once I finished reading the first two books though, I started to read Brinsingr.
The book is slow paced in my view and as wolf1991 said, Paolini just complicates things even more by writing the book. Don't get me wrong, I love the series but this book isn't as exciting as the others.
I think that the last book will be epic. Even though I haven't finished reading Brinsingr, the story for book four will be interesting.

2,520 posts

Honesly I can't see anyone being satisfied with how this will end. It's going to be a disappointment one way or another simply because Paolini has written himself into a corner plot wise. I won't even hold my breath to see if the characters grow, I can almost see the tropes being relied upon now.

I'm interested by that, it is as if you sat with Christopher and helped him write Inheritance. For all the knowledge you may have accumulated in whatever intellectual dabblings you've had as far as writing, I doubt you can condemn the series to doom, and encourage you to realize you cannot know what Christopher may have planned for his final book.
1,627 posts

I think the part about leaving Alagasia is temporary, a euphamism for death or him going to the Elflands or human lands.

But Angela said that his fate would be to leave Alagasia forever.
The Inheritance Cycle is amazing, and Christopher is an amazing offer. As for the predictions:
1. Eragon will find the Vault of Souls which is somewhere Doru Araeba
2.The last dragon egg will hatch for either Roran or Arya
3. Eragon will hear of some other dragons over the ocean, and will try to go and find them. We will not know if he survives
4. Murtagh will die, causing Thorn to be killed, and they will be killed by Galbatorix as an act of revenge for stealing the final egg
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