I really don't even know what to say to this, its just ridiculous. We have a lot of animals and we call them "ets" sometimes. Sometimes they are just like family though, I think that this is just ridiculous
Dogs....all they want is love. They don't have any idea what you're saying. Whether you call them pet, dog, Fido, or 'nonhuman person', it doesn't matter, as long as what you say sounds positive. You can call a dog all the most horrible names as long as you say it sweetly and positively.
So yeah. Animals don't care.
Especially when people decide to 'celebrate their birthday', or dress them up. They have no idea.
"In California, The Humane Society of the United States is backing legislation to update language in old state animal-control laws. The bill would replace "ound" with "shelter" and "destroy" with "euthanize," changes that better reflect current views on animal welfare.
"Those words matter," said Jennifer Fearing, the society's senior state director." That's the only thing that makes sense.
Animals don't give a **** whether you call them pet or animal companion, as long as you care for them. I think that these people are just saying this to get some media attention.
Animals don't give a **** whether you call them pet or animal companion, as long as you care for them. I think that these people are just saying this to get some media attention.
Yeah, media attention that makes the people look ignorant.
I bet noone of those animal ethicists would move a finger if I called my bird spiders pets right in front of them. Those are the same people who dress up their dogs, take them to dog coiffeurs and dog mani- and pedicurists, let them have a good time in dog hotels, fly them around in dog airlines, and buy them dog advocates when someone treats their jewel a cur. Stupid people... dogs are dogs and cats are cats, they are not human. They want to be treated nicely, not be treated like a human.
They honestly have nothing else better to do. I rarely use the word pet anyways but if I want to use the word I have every right. In plus I doubt my dog has an objection to being called "et".
either we all start calling our human companions "animal companions" or we're discriminating. as we are all a type of animal. what if I name my dog "et"?????? is that also wrong? he'd respond to it and wag his tail to it... it'd have happy connotations for him. we claim to be the most intelligent... but lawd we come up w/ the most retarded concepts imaginable.