ForumsWEPRMakes me worry how sadistic humans can be

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341 posts

Even if you do not like cats, or even animals in general. But this goes beyond all lines of being okay. When I saw this video it's been stuck with me all day. It makes me angry and wants to make me scream or yell or even cry. Is that just being human? You decide. Please be warned this is very graphic NSFW.

  • 31 Replies
2,027 posts

You're saying that if your mother got pregnant with you when she was a teenager, you'd want to die?

Technically, at the time when abortions are done, you're not exactly conscious, so it's not dying as much as never being born. They're no more alive than sperm. If you think that's murder, then every man who's hit puberty is a mass murdered on extreme scales.
562 posts

Technically, at the time when abortions are done, you're not exactly conscious, so it's not dying as much as never being born.

"The human brainstem is fashioned around the 7th week of gestation and matures in a caudal to rostral arc thereby forming the medulla, pons, and midbrain. The medulla mediates arousal, breathing, heart rate, and gross movement of the body and head, and medullary functions appear prior to those of the pons which precede those of the midbrain. Hence, by the 9th gestational week the fetus will display spontaneous movements, one week later takes its first breath"

So, it takes its first breath after 10 weeks. It'd been moving by 9 weeks. And as early as 7 weeks, it had already formed a brainstem.


As this reveals, around 40-45% of abortions happen past the development of a brainstem, around 25% after the fetus has started moving, and around 15-20% after the fetus has started breathing....

I don't know about you, but I find that horrible.
3,025 posts

I don't know about you, but I find that horrible.

In which case I'll change that to:
I don't know about us, but we find that horrible.


- H
2,027 posts

Breathing does not necessarily mean being conscious. Without that consciousness, it does not have memories, it doesn't suffer, it doesn't notice that it is indeed alive and therefore would not even notice dying. So yeah, it's breathing, but it's technically not a living person, and it's not right to pretty much ruin a living person's (the mother's) life for the sake of something that is no more alive than a dandelion. A mosquito is more alive than the fetus is, yet no one's going to freak out if you kill a mosquito.

2,520 posts

Do you hear yourself? How is murder all right?

It was sarcasm nitwit. Can YOU hear yourself?
562 posts

Breathing does not necessarily mean being conscious.

Yes, because if something is breathing and has a functioning brain, we should just assume that it's unconscious.

For now, we're not certain, but I say the path we should take is to assume that the living, breathing thing is conscious, and NOT kill it.
2,027 posts

For now, we're not certain, but I say the path we should take is to assume that the living, breathing thing is conscious, and NOT kill it.

I say let whoever is in that situation decide her own path. Some people aren't capable of giving a child a good life, and in that case, perhaps it is best if they don't give birth. And the fetus can't miss what it never had.
3,025 posts

It was sarcasm nitwit. Can YOU hear yourself?

Well if you can hear him, I hope you heard the people laughi-- Oh wait.

- H
2,520 posts


Laughidrulesd? Laughifgcveds? Don't leave me hanging.
562 posts

I say let whoever is in that situation decide her own path. Some people aren't capable of giving a child a good life, and in that case, perhaps it is best if they don't give birth. And the fetus can't miss what it never had.

Sounds like rationalization after groundless rationalization. Who are YOU to tell someone that their life isn't worth living? Who are you to take a living thing and kill it, claiming that it can't miss its life?

Your horrid arguments could be used to justify infanticide.
2,027 posts

Who are you to take a living thing and kill it, claiming that it can't miss its life?

My point is that during those first weeks it's no more alive than a flower. If doctors, politicians and the would-be mother all think that the abortion is justified, I'd take their words over yours.

Besides, according to this, it takes about half a year for them to develop any kind of consciousness, so before that point, they wouldn't even notice they were "alive", and therefore couldn't miss life if they were aborted. So why, then, should you ruin the mother's life for the sake of something which is not yet a person?
341 posts

I say let whoever is in that situation decide her own path.

Since this abortion topic came about from a women killing a kitten I will tie it into the OP just so this doesn't get locked. It's not about the woman's choice it's about the life that she has the power over. The ONLY time if even that, for a woman to have a choice on aborting a baby is when it was forced upon her through ****. When it was just a woman not taking the precautionary measures, not using a contraceptive or even disregarding abstinence, and she gets pregnant, then it's her duty to follow through with what she started. Killing a fetus that has a brainwave and is breathing is just like killing this kitten. It was defenseless just like the fetus. It makes me cringe just thinking about how domineering this was.

Some people aren't capable of giving a child a good life, and in that case, perhaps it is best if they don't give birth. And the fetus can't miss what it never had.

Then if they were not capable of that then they should have thought of the consequences prior to any sexual intercourse. They're are alternatives from getting an abortion. Putting up a baby for adoption is much more plausible then killing it before it has a chance to live life.

My mother had me at 15 years old so I am very adamant about situations involving abortion. I also feel that there is a moral obligation to being pro-life because when it comes down to the drawing board it's not a mother's choice to choose if she can kill a person unwarrantably.

As of the most recent update of this FAQ, the estimated total number of abortions is over 46 million.

That is a lot choice going around...wonder if we had 46 million kittens getting their heads smashed in. Something to think about.

There are currently 1.3 million abortions performed each year in the United States.

And only rising.
3,371 posts

I agree with redbedhead. This women has the power to kill. But just because she can doesn't mean she should. life should be considered precious. Even though it doesn't happen now, everybody should have a chance at life they could be something great.

8,256 posts

I agree partly, life is precious, but it is not sacred. One should under no circumstance kill a being without any good reason, out of sadism; and sadly there are lots of sadistic people and people who like violence like the ones who attack random people and beat them to the hospital, sometimes to lethal outcomes. But when it comes to for example abortion, there are reasons behind it, it is not done out of pleasure (it IS painful, physically as well as psychically), out of sadism, or out of the wish to hurt/kill. Well at least in normal cases. Which is why I don't understand why there is a debate about abortion in such a thread at all, it is simply not comparable. Abortion has nothing to do with gratuitous violence, it has a reason and a sense behind it.

608 posts

Which is why I don't understand why there is a debate about abortion in such a thread at all, it is simply not comparable.

Probably why there should be a separate-more specific-thread.
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