Because this year, would be from Januari until December, rather than the last 12 months. You'd want the last year, or last 12 months. Either way it's up to AG to determine a better wording for it.
I think they should have a 'Wii games' category so use the internet channel on your wii to play them. Imagine Crush the Castle on Wii, you could do a big swipe to throw your item really far, and then a small one to throw it just a bit.
[quote=acmed]i cant promise that'll be implented right away[/quote]
Er, you can't promise anything since you're not a web developer on our team ;o)
We've already talked internally about showing these kinds of stats on the game play page. At the very least, showing the game developer a chart of plays and ratings over time, but at best, a way to show users how popular the game has been recently. Whether that means a daily/weekly/monthly/alltime chart series or what, we haven't finalized.