This dawned upon me while I was in school and I saw a friend of mine wearing a "I <3 Jesus" shirt. So I started thinking "So wearing a christian shirt to school is fine, but I wore a shirt that said 'Im Athiest' or 'Im Agnostic' I'd have every one down my throat telling me to change my shirt or go home" why do you think this is?
It's society. People view christianity as acceptable, and being agnostic or atheist to be more foreign and less acceptable. Most people just have little tolerance for others, and what isn't in the norm.
Like, of most of the world was atheist, and a 'I <3 Jesus' shirt was worn, I'm sure everybody would freak.
Try it. Something which insults CHristianity probably wouldn't be OK because of the stupid anti discrimination laws but go to school in a TShirt tht proclaims you are an atheist and see what happens. And if asked to remove it ask why and demand to see a rule which says it is not allowed. But keep a normal Tshirt just in case.
Did you actually wear the shirt and you were compelled by the administration to change? Your post had a small typo that made it hard to tell if this is just hypothetical or if it happened.
If it's hypothetical, then wear the shirt and see what happens. But I don't think you can just assume that would happen and ask why it would happen that way, when it hasn't yet. Anyway, you aren't saying anything particularly offensive on the shirt, so the school would have no grounds to make you change clothes. No racial slurs, or profanity, so you should be good to go.
By the way, I think wearing a shirt that said "I <3 Nietsche" would be a lot funnier than just saying "I am an Atheist" That way you get the existentialists and nihilists on your side too. But don't expect them to be terribly helpful though.
My cousin has a T-shirt that says "I found Jesus, he was behind the couch", and AFAIK, he doesn't get in trouble for wearing it. But then again, I live in Sweden, where only about 1/4 of the population actually believes there is a god.
But really, are you sure you'd get in trouble for wearing a shirt saying you're an atheist? Because I find that hard to believe. It's not like you say other religions are wrong, the shirt just says what you believe.
Thats just a bunch of b**l. The school has no right to ask you to change that shirt. If they have a problem with it they should just suck it up. Or if you get in trouble, the kid who wore the Jesus shirt should to, because I doubt everyone in that school is Christian and that shirt could be offending someone. Society is just simply messed up.
You wouldn't get into trouble unless it was actually offensive like say **** christianity I'm an atheist now. I can't be bothered to think up a better atheistic T-Shirt line right now. People might try and insult you, convert you or just preach at you about how god is holy and he still loves you. No teacher could say take it off since they would need a reason or it is unjustified. Unless you go to a faith school.