Maverick, you really need to do better research
60% of African Americans are Against Gay RightsMost Americans disaproove of Gay Rights (Poll Question 21)You forget, the last election, the GOP soapboxed on bringing the economy back into line, which is why they were elected. They don't deliver, it's on them.
Actually, they are trying to deliver. The Dems, meanwhile, are trying to remove tax breaks to large corporations, which will in turn drive up the cost of consumer goods, further weakening our already weak economy.
Clintons numbers are largely distorted. In order to give off the appearence of 'lowering' his expenditures, he decided to raid Social Security and count that as an 'income'. So thanks to Clinton's 'Shift-o-nomics', Social Security is bust. And you also failed to include Obama's years. Wait a minute! Obama is a DEMOCRAT, yet you just put forth the argument that only REPUBLICANS are BIG SPENDERS. Hmmm...
I'll just ignore the fact that Obama has added more debt than George Washington through Ronald Reagan COMBINED.
Refused to back DOMA in court
So rather than do the morally correct thing, and follow his party, he decided to not back DOMA. Why can't he harness this 'iniative' and put it to good use? Like say... in the Middle East?
Passed the universal healthcare bill like he promised
Rasmussen PollMay 13-14, 2011:
Favor Repeal: 55% Oppose Repeal: 38%
Got Osama in 2 years (Which Bush couldn't do in 7)
But wasn't it Bush who set into motion the chain of events that eventually led to Osama's demise? So it would just seem that Obama is trying to take credit for something that he had no real control over, when he really just happened to be at the right place at the right time.
Also, what ELSE could the money be spent on? Oh, nothing, since the USA has practically no natural resources,
Lies. We have vast oil desposits in Alaska, ANWR, Gulf Coast, and the East Coast. Our Glorious President, however, had decided to ban all deep water drilling.
we don't have any oil, natural gas, wind, or sunlight at all
While the US doesn't have the amounts of Oil and Gas as say, Venezuela or Brazil or Saudia Arabia, we still have fairly large amounts that have yet to be tapped (see above post).
To say that the US has no SUNLIGHT or WIND is just plain ignorant of basic solar-system science from the third grade. The Earth is round, and orbits the Sun, so all parts must recieve sun. And sunlight causes wind, so all parts must also recieve wind too. If you've ever been to the South West or the Deep South in August, than you'll become a fast believer of the power of the Sun.
The US, like most other countries, is only in the beginning stages of tapping the renewable resources. Technology in the form of batteries and other equipment capable of storing this energy has yet to catch up with the technology that produces this energy (HINT HINT, invest in Lithium while its cheap).
I won't even get started about the Coal desposits that the US has.
it's not as if gas prices instantly going down would make this America's best tourism season ever.
Thats true. But to deny the fact that a decrease in oil prices will cause no good to the American Consumer is turning a blind eye to common sense.
May be Voltaire was correct in saying that "Common Sense is not so common."...
Honestly, you expected the '06 Dems to stop a problem that began in 2002?
Let me put it this way. The '06 Dems had no right to bail out companies that should have failed in 2008. And if I remember correctly, wasn't it those same companies that caused the '2002' problem? Hmmm?
But the tiny bounce back I've seen is all I care about
I like long-term approaches
No comment.
I think it sounds better than to throw it to the GOP again so they can toy with crapanomics.
But we certainly shouldn't hand it to the Dems and Liberals 'Blaze-o-nomics', with the notion that 'If I keep throwing money at it, may be the fire will go out'. Albert Einstein defined 'Insanity' as 'Repeating the same action with the hope of a differen't outcome'. A question we should be asking our President is:
"You've spent how much money and our economy is 'better' now? And you want to spend how much
more money to make even better?"
Are you saying, that, if Bush were in office, he would have halted the debt's increase to 100%?
So are you saying that Obama hasn't contributed at all to making our debt go up to 100% of our GDP? (Since thats what '100% seems to be referencing).
all of the money he spent was cleaning up for Bush's war, he also had to spend on Bush's war ontop of that, returning soldiers like pension
So you're saying that we shouldn't value National Security and defend ourselves from those who attack us?
and he's also spent money on things such as the stimulus and programs for the society.
Because as history has shown us, Progressive Welfare always turns out so nicely in the end. /sarcasm
{url=]Heritage Foundation: Obama's Stimulus Package a 'Flop'[/url]
And if you look at, which you cited previously, you'll see that Medicare, Medicaid, and other 'Social Programs' are
55 Trillion in the hole.
More drone attacks, less people on the ground
Because the Drone and Cruise Missiles attacks in Libya have worked out so well to take down Ghaddafi. Yeah, we don't need any boots on the ground at all.
And as for Osama, please see my above response.
And that chaps the GOP's *** like you would not believe.
Again, see my above response.