Is anyone else familiar with this Kazakh singing sensation? Even if you have heard the song before, watch the video. It's entertaining how badly made it is.
I don't know if this is the number 1 song in Kazakhstan, but it certainly is the most popular Kazakh song in Kazakh pop culture.
What is this I don't even... Ernie, where do you find this crap? Seriously, I guess every country has its own Justin Bieber. What the bloody Hell was that half a minute from 2:00? It's aggravating because the song gets stuck in your head.
Except Kazakhstan doesn't have too many other pop singers, so it would be like if Justin Bieber was the only active singer in America.
My favorite part is when he wakes up and it's all a dream. Who the hell dreams about badly made music videos with cheap limousines from the 80's and people who look like George Lopez slapping you across the face?
My favorite part is when he wakes up and it's all a dream. Who the hell dreams about badly made music videos with cheap limousines from the 80's and people who look like George Lopez slapping you across the face?
I have to agree with you there. Of course, you can't forget playing the ukelele. Really though, that was just morbid. Note to self: Never vacation in Kazakhstan.
That's actually a dombura. A ukelele is from Hawaii.
What I don't understand, among many things in this video, is why there's a band behind him when he's playing in the club. Do you hear any instruments besides the dombura and an infectious techno dance beat?
Omg, what the ****. that was just simply horrible. And I thought Justin Bebier was bad. The video was horribly made, and his attempt to rap was painful.
I really doubt they have the resources to make a decent video if they can't even afford a limousine from this century. And why does he do that crouch thing? That's not cool in any country.
Thats only because they dont have very much pop music there so a lot of people dont have much of a choice
It's what a lot of people have grown up on (almost), and it's what they're used to hearing. If Bieber had been the biggest music sensation in America only for being the only music sensation in America, I'm sure people would grow to like him.
you can tell the guy is not singing at all, just lip sinking for like five seconds of the video!
This is actually pretty common among music videos, it just isn't as obvious when effort is put into making them.