I find it difficult to find a topic i'm looking for in the Forum. Am I just not seeing a search box or is it just not there? If its not on the forum I think it would really improve the Community forum as you wouldn't have a lot of double posts.
i was thinking the same thing the other day. i'm like "where is my forum?". but if you type the name of the forum on google with "armorgames" in it somewhere, it'll come up. Example i type in bx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=39e5bf4e97622fe9&biw=1680&bih=959">non spam picture wars armorgames first link is it. but i do admit, a forum search would be a lot more easier than all of this mumbo jumbo.
Yeah it would make a lot more sense not to have to visit Google to find the Topic your looking for. it would be very handy I think. Even if your asking for an answer to a question not to have to manually look through pages and pages of topics to find the one your looking for.
AG3 already has a very complex search engine (built by yours truly) for game names, user names, and Phil adapted my code to do searches for Armatars too.
As far as forum posts go, it will depend on which forum engine we use (or build). Further discussion about searches or other features needs to go in the Forum-related sticky.