After several of requests I've decided to open this. I have no idea how the clans played it so I'll leave it up to the players to form the rules. But, form the rules the way you played the original version. Ask JohnGarell for questions I suppose.
I agree Paarfam. It seems like this war will get more action and team-work. Just a little question; will members without clans (or groups) be allowed to battle here?
Anyways, are we going to start, or not? I glide through John causing him to be blown away.
I am not actually playing this, but i believe this is supposed to be CLAN vs CLAN, not clan-member vs clan-member. So, you might have to wait until another clan joins, depending on what you guys agree on.
Sprhydroosa will not be divided! This is a clan friendly version not a version for only clans. Big difference. Let's see if someone is brave enough for battle us or someone could make a clan who can stand a chance against us. I don't think so.