After several of requests I've decided to open this. I have no idea how the clans played it so I'll leave it up to the players to form the rules. But, form the rules the way you played the original version. Ask JohnGarell for questions I suppose.
unfortunately for bfk, handcuffs don't fit dragons. i eat the police officers. then i eat bfk. i join bobber in eating cake. i protect said squirrel. SD
Ok I go to the tree and light it on fire. I also create my aura of fire so strong that anything that comes at me is instantly burned up into ashes. Then I go to the mountain range to wait for attack GC (Mountains) [fire master]
I warp to the mountains, and then create shadow demons to fly after you. and i have that weird guardian thing like in kingdom hearts carry me around, dodging fire.
my demons eat your soul, and leave you with just an empty body.
I go up to Slair and give him some food so he can enjoy his camping trip. @Slair, If you want to join a clan, please join mine. But the decision's yours.