A few days ago I remember playing a game online where you could go to a shooting range and if you shot the guy at the shooting range enough he would get ticked and pull out a mini gun. can anybody help give me the name of the game?
That's not much detail. It sounds like one of those stick shooting games. But I'm not sure which one it could be.Could you explain the game more?
wait,are you sure this is AG game?In any case,you should give more details about it
thingy thing is the game but i dont know if its on the site
thing thing arena to be exact.Heres the link:[url=http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/Thing-Thing-Arena.html]
The link didn't work. Here's the link.
i remeber playing it on my igoogle page, BTW: cant get game in link to work properly
Try Google. That usually helps me.
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