Eurovision? Ya know what? There are good songs on rare occasions, most of them are crappy pop/techno low-quality creations though. The voting system? It is not about the songs, it really is about what country likes what country. And currently the Eastern Bloc blockade is ruling the competition. The only year I remember seeing myself where the winner deserved the win, was when Lordi won. They played something so different that they got the votes, and the following year had a shift towards harder songs, because everyone hoped for the same success recipe. They all utterly failed though, so now it's back to pseudodramatic BS.
it has more to do with your location than anything else
I completely agree with that, I mean, every country gives the maximum points to their neighbours, or political friends, it has nothing to do with the songs anymore! And since when do we know the songs BEFORE the show's aired? I mean, shouldn't it be more logical when you hear the song for the first time in the show? Because now, everyone's already making campagne for their song, making it popular so it will more likely get more votes. I liked it better the way it was way back, when you heard the song for the first time, you liked the song (not the act with bellydancers, acrobats or whatever..) and you vote for the song. Let's hope that someday, the eurovision people will see that they're evolving in the wrong way..