not all of this is completely relevant to this thread... but its related to the thread... so i didn't make a new thread when I could just post it here. I did this so we don't flood the wepr with Takei threads... b/c that's the job of the religious threads... the religious threads have to take up 90% of all possible slots on the wepr... I'm sure you understand. ...and its late... and I had a little too much word vomit... my apologies beforehand.
[quote] (note the word "fine" not natural)
Note the prefix un beside the word educated.
Used in a sentence: You and many others are uneducated
i guess it depends on what you call natural. as discussed before. the male genitalia have evolved to transport reproductive tadpoles (not sure if it sensors the word semen or not...bout to find out) and the fluids into the receiving area of the female to be coupled w/ their eggs. anything outside of that is outside of the male genitalia/penis's natural evolutionary order.
"but Sonata!!!!!!!!!!!!! the prostate has pleasure receptors!!!!!!"
rectal intercourse serves no apparent benefit towards evolution.
"but SONATA!!!!!! mo sex = mo sex w/ everyone and therefore mo babies!!!!"
not seeing it. there are accounts all over the world of men taking on tons of wives... the libido is already there. extra intercourse men to men wouldn't further anything.
...I remember something about 2 men raising a child in a hunter/gatherer society being more efficient?... yea.... Father/Grandfather/Uncle/Brother/Older male friends/same aged male friends... not seeing any more of a positive than would already be present.
"then wai do we has rectal pleasure HHHMMMMMMMMM???????"
as I've said before in another thread.... the only thing I could think of would be that rectal pleasure sensors make the babies that have them all the more likely to take a huge deuce (mo squeeze = mo pressure = mo pleasure)... some of those crazy people we call psychologists think that babies go through a rectal fixation stage... the "a" word for the "r" word is censored... some times babies for get to breathe(or some other thing)... SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome)... so it might be possible that w/o pleasure impusles that increase in what is called a positive feed back mechanism the child would have no reason to deuce when deuces needed to be done.... and then come down w/ blood poisoning b/c the deuce gets partially reabsorbed. (doesn't know to breathe till you spank it... why would it know how to deuce on its own w/o a powerful stimulant that just kinda makes the little deucer deuce?)
"So... wai the prostate in particular in men????????????????"
random chance... evolution... it just happened to grow there and the babies w/ it had the highest chance at life so over time it encompassed the entire genome (had to of started early early)
Anyway you slice it... there is no substantial if any evolutionary benefits to rectal intercourse, therefore I cannot accept that it evolved that way for rectal intercourse. (talkin bout prostate)... (following sentence and following sentence alone are not my the source cited just below)... from what I've heard the anus doesn't even make its own lubrication which makes sense if you want something to go in it....
someone on a different site who said it better than menow control + F... and then type in: a friend of epoche ... that should take you there
so you get picked on for being what you can't help being???? pppfffffffffftttttttttttt. there's a list on that site that I want you to look at. It starts with the word tall. you and everyone else gets made fun of and picked on for something you can't help but be b/c your genetic code calls for it. I've taken my fair share of harassment and baseball sized asphalt chunks thrown at me (ankle was the size of a grapefruit). I've taken my fair share of words from other people. What makes the gay plight any more special? At least you get some crappy religious reason for why... the rest of us just pretty much get a finger pointed at us and the words... "YOU" (ATHF reference) said to us. You sit here all the time talking about how bad all religious people are for hating gays... and I mean CONSTANTLY!!!!!!! How many of the people in real life have you ever stood up to? I mean cheeezum either flip your wrist and say "guilty" (like Brian's cousin off of Family Guy)... or flip them the bird and tell them to shut up. You're aware that there are Christians that support Gay rights right?... and that there are even flamboyantly gay Christians right? So you despise the Gay Christians for hating Gays too? ...b/c that would make all the sense in the world. I've read different articles saying people might have a genetic predisposition for being religious(brain chemistry and such)..... maybe you telling me not to be religious is like me telling you not to be gay...Would that change anything???? b/c if that were true there would be no difference in what you're doing and what they're doing and you'd be no better than them... I've even given somewhat scientific proof backing my position just like you do yours. You're projecting your distaste for the entirety of a certain people based off of the ones that bully you or say something to you. I do not like being portrayed as a gay hater just because I haven't axed off the possibility of a God, when I am in fact not a gay hater... I'm actually part lesbian myself... just the part of a lesbian that makes them like girls (just not the being a girl part :P)'ll then say "your HOLY TEXTS say to hate gays... then I don't understand why you don't hate gays..." well... I don't understand how you can be gay when there are such beautiful women around and how you can be male and not care... I guess we're even (deal w/ the bad logic). I don't want you forcing your ideals of how I should act on me... I'll hate you if and when I choose to... and for whatever reason I choose to... and not before then.
(inb4 genetic pre disp disproves God... it only makes us more readily believers... any actual God would be irrelevant to our genetic pre-disposition)
if there is DNA that codes for hormones that make you like the same sex then I wonder which between them and the ones that make the male genitalia couple w/ the female genitalia like a piece to a puzzle were present in the genome first? sounds like one of them is a mutant that surfaced after the other one. I wonder which...
its like I've said before... its like having a triangle and a circular slot. they're the respective consenting parties faculties... and if the two are made to fit in their own way then who is to say you can't do what you wish with your own faculties. ...and then you say... "its not all about that kind of intercourse... there's lots more stuff..." its symbolism that may be applied to anything that has either gender's faculty not coupled w/ the other gender's faculty (and you know I'm not talking about the excretory ones...meaning butt). I'm assuming you can apply that with your own intellect w/o me painting the picture for every application. As per whatever you wanna do with yourself... go for it... its your body.... do whatever floats your boat. per how natural it is. It is not. ...and therefore, "not natural, but still fine" is the most applicable descriptor. Anything other than that is a Lie. read the cited article for moar.
"but animals do it all the time!!!".... see source for his comment on animals. from that source... apparently its normal for animals to have intercourse trans species and to have sex with the children of the species... either through consent or ****. so... should we compare ourselves to animals? ... the small kids might actually have some ammo now for lowering that darn age of consent. I think we can get it moved down to ~3... hbu?... b/c anything b4 that is just crazy talk.... I think a lot of those could be ascribed to chemical imbalances and hormone shifts away from "normal" range.
and before anyone says anything... no... the only parallel between my thoughts and the cited person's thoughts is that we have similar mindsets... all of my words are my own. ..they just happened to have been highly similar to that guy's. the dissertation I gave about the pooper was from my own thoughts... someone else apparently thinks like me.
evolution natural = no
doing whatever you want w/ yourself and pursuing whoever you want natural= yes
is unnatural bad?= its relative... but here= no...
so its relative to how you view it... it can be legitimately labeled as unnatural
if you wanna say that homosexuality is acceptable because of your hormones or b/c you can justify it with evolution that allows for individuals that don't reproduce then do it... and tell the people picking on you that its natural to be gay and move on...
done gone and made me lose face w/ muh some of friends on here nao DX<
and i did my own research on islam and everything told me that only a few of them were radicals and that I don't have a problem w/ the others.
...I think that's everything I'll have to say about homosexual people. ...or will ever have to say rather
and i do see the biased part of talking about male-female but not 2 of the same gender's interactions... but is it necessary? I mean give the kids credit... condom = no fluid swap (hypothetically)... by that time in school they already know what goes where. ...and if they don't need one... I'm sure they know how to stimulate themselves... and if its someone of the same sex then I'm sure whatever stimulates you probably stimulates them
my sex ed in school consisted of... here are the two parts... they make babies... alright next chapter. I say take it out altogether. nothing you tell any of them is going to do anything... other than "use protection"... and people get told that all the time and it doesn't help. I say remove the class and replace it with something else more academic. all those health related classes are joke courses that just fill time anyway.... just punish whoever is making fun of the other and make an example out of them... if kids that want to say something crude really want to say it, then the teachers are the last people on earth they're gonna listen to....w/ the rising number of people who can't even stand their parents... yea good luck there too. Its the problem kids like that that also show a lot of the least in my experience.
...totally spent too much time on this... such is the boredom of summer (and insomnia)