sorry for double posting but... think about it. they cant keep this forever... i mean eventually people will have to say "he" or "she". and im pretty sure he wont feel comfartable if his parents will actually make him keep his gender a secret
Oh gosh. Look at the comments. Most are against it but there are quite a few actually for it or bringing up one of those pointless 'Why do you care let them do what they want' things.
Yeah it's pretty creepy.
Also, if you read about the other two kids, they have long hair, wear girls clothes, and when I clicked on the link in the Article itself, I got a picture of the older brother and at first look, without looking at his jaw, I was sure it was a girl.
I think it's just screwing with the kids. There's a sense of stability you have when you're a kid, and not growing up without it is so freaky. I mean, I know having to deal with differences with others like race and gender may be startling to a little kid, but its what they go through that makes them open minded about their differences. To me, this just looks like two unguided children that are going to be very confused for a while.
Also, the older kid even said he likes dressing up like a girl but doesn't want to be called one or accidentally noticed as one... which is a little contradictory so I sort of feel sorry for him.
I have heard of many other dumb things parents have done to their kids. Such as letting them name themselves at age 4. The way i see it, who really cares what gender the kid is, it will become apparent in about 4 years.
I saw this before. And yea, it's weird. I mean I can't understand the point of it. If I had a kid and it was, let's say a boy, I would just tell him something like:
"Son, you're a boy. It's a fact.I don't care if you're gay, bisexual or if you want to change sex, but you're a boy and you will be called LOLOYNAGE2!!! HAHAHA."
Okay not the last part, but whatever, you get the point.
They are just attention seekers, who use their son/daughter to promote their political agenda, their personal crusade. Just look at how the article ends: "Everyone keeps asking us, 'When will this end?'" she said. 'And we always turn the question back. Yeah, when will this end? When will we live in a world where people can make choices to be whoever they are?"
Anyhow, I think they have every right to promote their message, however the kid is not some sort of prop. They want to get up on a soapbox? Again, its perfectly fine and natural, but there are other -more elegant- ways to do it. They could run for office, go to a talk-show or whatever, there was absolutely no need to exploit the toddler.