ForumsNews and FeedbackClans/Crews/Groups

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Ok....I want on the Master Suggestion List and didn't see this...

I heard That there will be followers but that is nothing close or related to this.

Now My Idea for this is to make clans or crews in which you can invite people,hang out and do stuff.

Clans will be rated On:

All the AP points

What I thought that on the Main Page should be another little page on the web site.
Click it and you go to the Clan Section.
There you could find more clans.
The Clans will be also rated in 3 categorys.
The Low,The Medium and the High.
The High category has the best clans.
While the Low Category has the lowest.

I also heard from cormyan that there will be chat.So In a clan there would also be clan chat which all members of that clan can chat too.

To Make a Clan you must need:

A Knight Rank
At Least 100 Forum Posts
and at Least 5 Friends.

Once you make a Clan players must then go to your Profile and see an Option that says "Join Clan?"
Then If you want to join the message will be sent to the user and he will accept or decline your offer.

Clans would be mostly used for fun.
They could go play multiplayer games,Chat,Hang Out,Tell Jokes and all kind of things.Even Support the other Members.

Also If you make a clan there should be a small option if you go choose you armatar.That is to create your clan Logo so you can express you clan.
Once you made a Logo every Member will recieve the Logo and can choose it as an Armatar.

Now...I hope this Idea is good....And if this is already suggested or so I really have No clue on what to give ideas...My Purpose right now is to help Armor Games Evolve to a better one...Nothing more or Less.

  • 1 Reply
12,319 posts

Actually, these ideas are already being discussed here.

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