God can't have made us after it's image, this would mean it's imperfect. I mean if you look at our anatomy, there are things where you facepalm and think "I'd definitely have made that otherwise". Also, we are cripples walking on two legs, not fully adapted to bipedism yet. It must have made some mistakes, purposely or not. Or there isn't anything that made us at all, which is the more sensible conclusion.
This really reminds me of this: [url=http://image.spreadshirt.net/image-server/image/composition/10932905/view/1/producttypecolor/26/type/png/width/378/height/378/white-navy-if-triangles-had-a-god-men-s-tees_design.png]
Has anyone suggested that 'in God's image' meant nothing more than the physical representation that God preferred?
Then it has a really strange taste, considering what I wrote above. Strange taste, or weird logic. But that interpretation is more interesting than a simple look-in-the-mirror-and-copy-paste.
Why would God prefer to make humans into violent, semi-developed, incredibly self-serving beings, especially if they had no potential to become godlike, as has been repeatedly claimed along the thread, and benevolent as God is supposed to be? Also that whole benevolence thing is a bit odd considering the deeply engrained violence in human nature
I don't know how I can ram that through your skull
yeah to be honest legion you probably won't be able to ram that through my skull just like i can't ram through yours the idea of perception of highly undeveloped peoples. But i'll give it another go anyway. there was a tribe in the amazon a few years ago that had never had contact with the modern world. when they saw airplanes, their jetstreams and occasionally heard the roar of their they honestly believed that they were gods flying accross the skies. Technology can totally give the appearance of Godliness