Tip: Just to tell you this, double-posting is sort of something you shouldn't do If you want to correct something, you can't. But you don't need to post another comment afterwards.
Don't think it'd be that bad. Most, if not all, games on AG are sponsored by AG, meaning any game you find here will only be found on other sites with AG's permission to upload it. It wouldn't be so much that users moved from AG to other sites as it would be that users visited both.
now that you guys mention it, AG doesn't need the advertising for money. so many people buy their stuff. I guess the other sites just use this one as a way to attract new members. I'm pretty sure some moderator or something will visit and explain though.
[url=http://][quote]now that you guys mention it, AG doesn't need the advertising for money
Really how do u think they are going to pay for the employees in the making of the new update.Its like taking a celebrity in a commercial.The celebrity gets payed and the business running the commercial earns earns interest allowing people to look into whatever the business does.Either way its a win win.Armor games(the celebrity)gets payed and google,the random mmorpg games,etc(commercial broadcaster)gets the interest therefor allowing them to get bigger.The money in process(like i said)is going towards employees,sponsoring,updates and more.I dont know why its hard to comprehend this.It says it clearly in the link that Calvin Dultry put up.