ForumsWEPRCanada: The 51st State (or 50 + x amount of provinces)

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1,434 posts

I was searching through my history notes earlier, when i discovered a tidbit I wrote down - "Florida and Canada could join the country w/o approval from Congress, unlike the other states".

After further discussion with my History teacher, apparently, it was one of the first American laws - the US would absorb Canada if its populace wished so. Now, this law was made back when Canada only went as far west as Lake Superior, it wasn't the 2nd largest country in the world yet. However, is this law still intact?

I'm not saying "Canada SHOULD be in the US", but the idea intrigues me. Will there be a scenario where Canada finds its best interests in joining the USA? (Something tells me we might change our name to "The United States of North America" at that point...) I know there was a show about this, but I haven't necessarily seen it.

So elaborate. What if? How if? May if?(I am looking forward to FRIENDLY Canadian opinions...also maybe a hailer from The Isles could enlighten us on Canada's inception) (but seriously Canadians, i mean you no harm. Here's some chocolate, and a moose shirt)


  • 16 Replies
3,437 posts

Will there be a scenario where Canada finds its best interests in joining the USA?

I highly doubt my country would ever join America. Canada possesses some of the largest quantities of various natural resources on the planet. We have large quantities of oil in the Alberta Tar Sands, uranium depositis coast to coast, diamonds in the north, and, most importantly, 1/5 of the world's fresh water.

Canada could very well be a super power in the future as resources run low. Water is a key aspect of this. America has larger quanities of crop land than Canada but other resources are lacking. Americans would eventually flock to Canada for want of resources.

So, I highly doubt Canada would ever join. We, in theory, are one of the wealthies countries in the world. In the future this may serve us well. As for that law you mentioned, I have no idea, it wouldn't surprise me if it were still around.
2,520 posts

Geez if we want it we should just take it; there's what, one person for every 100 square miles? :P

4,206 posts

Will there be a scenario where Canada finds its best interests in joining the USA?

A law is needed even if two countries to unify?

Reasons why Canada won't go with the US? we are quite anti-xenophobic. While a lot of the US isn't xenophobic, a lot still are. We get a lot of $$$ for the immigrants that come here. We like keeping our reputation. Canada's progression will slow down. Heck, there are politicians in the US that do not like progress.

What about the politics? We (most of us) enjoy our current political system. Maybe it's not the best, but it's a lot better then US's.

And lastly, our government loves the US. Because of all the cash we get from exporting everything we have. I mean why would we unify with a country that has so much people, so much pollution and in need of resources? Why would we give the resources, if we can just sell them?

The US would just be a parasite for us. I don't see many ups in a unification. It's better to stay friends.
4,206 posts

Geez if we want it we should just take it; there's what, one person for every 100 square miles? :P

Lol. But we have friends >
3,437 posts

Geez if we want it we should just take it; there's what, one person for every 100 square miles? :P

Fun fact: Many American soldiers come to the Royal Canadian Military Academy to receive training in tactics and planning. Canada may not be the best equipped, but we're a **** well trained army, and smart at that.
140 posts

canada is a country why would be a state if its bigger than the whole of america

1,482 posts

Fun fact: Many American soldiers come to the Royal Canadian Military Academy to receive training in tactics and planning. Canada may not be the best equipped, but we're a **** well trained army, and smart at that.

We're not bashing your army. Just, due to your population, I'm sure if all of New York picked up guns they could give Canada a pretty rough time

But, just to say, about the natural resources -- I think it should be noted that most of Canada's resources are currently untappable with the amount of money in Canada, it'll take some time for Canadian investments to actually make some of that stuff useful [Primarily the fresh water, there's no real long distance trade of the stuff, and the Oil, it's locked away very nicely. So the upside is is that the American populace could easily exploit such materials, whereas Canada will take some time to do so.

canada is a country why would be a state if its bigger than the whole of america

We'd probably divide it out or something, lol

Lol. But we have friends >

And an Atlantic ocean dividing you from them

But, to be realistic, If the US wanted to, it would probably take Canada with some struggle, but military occupation with the amount of cash we blow on arms would happen eventually, I believe.
Then again, relations with Europe would die, the entire world would think we're the lovers of tyranny, and i'm sure there would be other problems.

As for Canada, i doubt they want to join.

Funny note on the immigration thing, though. Most of the brown people I've known, when rejected by the USA, have gone to Canada and then moved into the USA from Canada [or stayed] lol.

As for the law, we have lots of old law that is sitting around. Nobody cares to look over it because either A) Current law supersedes it or B) It isn't going cause any confusion/issues.
3,437 posts

But, just to say, about the natural resources -- I think it should be noted that most of Canada's resources are currently untappable with the amount of money in Canada, it'll take some time for Canadian investments to actually make some of that stuff useful [Primarily the fresh water, there's no real long distance trade of the stuff, and the Oil, it's locked away very nicely. So the upside is is that the American populace could easily exploit such materials, whereas Canada will take some time to do so.

That's why I said "in theory". Our resources are many, but near impossible to reach.

canada is a country why would be a state if its bigger than the whole of america

*faceplam* Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. Do your homework before posting nonsense.

Then again, relations with Europe would die, the entire world would think we're the lovers of tyranny, and i'm sure there would be other problems.

Yeah, America would pretty much be shunned. Canada is a much loved country on the world stage. Mainly in Europe.
4,220 posts

If Canada unified with America . . .

Nothing would change. I know you all think that stupidity would overrun your country, but the term 'American' does not cause a plague that invokes stupid.

People are stupid, not countries.

Besides, we buy everything you make. Corporations sell most of that, so it would still be sold to us anyways. Things are not given away because they are in the same country. If that were so, corporations wouldn't sell the crude in the Gulf of Mexico to other Americans.

Politics would hardly change. If the idiots in Washington cut out the bull, the red tape, and the personal assaults, America would have the best system on Earth.

But every democratic system is like that, regardless of nation. They are all extremely inefficient.

So really, the only thing that the two being separate causes is annoying citizenship issues.

12 posts

If Canada unified with America . . .
Nothing would change. I know you all think that stupidity would overrun your country, but the term 'American' does not cause a plague that invokes stupid.

We would have to spell "Colour" differently, our crappy anthem would change, we would have to change the measurement system to imperial, would french still be a national language? "tim hortons" would become american, would the leaders of the country adopt multi party ways or keep to democrat and republican ways? would a ton be a thousand lbs or two? what would the legal drinking age be?

no offence intended but please, don't be ignorant.
12 posts

Geez if we want it we should just take it; there's what, one person for every 100 square miles? :P

Its kilometers to us.

If you try to take this country, stop and think, do you want to do that much walking?
3,437 posts

Nothing would change

But I like my universal health care...

People are stupid, not countries.

People make the country. Canadians can be stupid too, but...well my experience doesn't bode well with Americans. You tend to be a secular people.

Politics would hardly change.

Depends...who's system would stay? I have qualms about America's black and white political thinking. I may not like the Bloc du Quebcois, but at least they represent our diversity. Also, are parliment is more of a compromise.

So really, the only thing that the two being separate causes is annoying citizenship issues.

And cultural differences. Believe it or not we have very differing cultures. Americans are more for than individual, where as Canadians embrace a group mentality.
3,437 posts

"tim hortons" would become american,

It's American already. Look it up.

no offence intended but please, don't be ignorant

I could say the same thing to you.
1,482 posts

That's why I said "in theory". Our resources are many, but near impossible to reach.

Sorry, missed that.
But think, With American capital, you'd be able to get to ALL OF THEM!

'American' does not cause a plague that invokes stupid.

Lmao that's a great way to put it.

Besides, we buy everything you make.

Funny thing about Canadians is, a lot of them cross the border to work and evade taxes.
So not fair

You tend to be a secular people


Americans are more for than individual, where as Canadians embrace a group mentality.

In what sense? I never understand that.

"tim hortons" would become american,

See, the first time I went to Canada, in Toronto, I went to Tim Horton's with this assumption that it would be awesome seeing as all the Canadians I knew were talking about it's godliness.
But, when I ordered a small.
It was really small
I mean seriously in America when you order a small you get something with some size You know, worth your money!
So that tipped me off.
And Dunkin Donuts is still way better, Imo

As for the political system, I'm pretty sure either or would work, it's not as if both don't have fallacies.

The Universal Health Care thing would suck for Canadians, but water and electric prices would fall! Not to mention, less taxes [I think]
3,437 posts

Not to mention, less taxes [I think]

Yes, but at the price of healthcare. That's something many of us would be upset over. Our system isn't the best, but it works a lot better than the American system. IMO.

In what sense? I never understand that.

Look at our politics. We elect parties, not people. In America you choose your president. Canada we choose a party.
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