I have recently started a new account on Facebook after my other one became swamped with friends that I mindlessly let in. I was wrong to do that. However, a few days after I started this Facebook account, some yahoo at my school decided to set up a fake Facebook account under the name Jessica Bateman, who then in turn "revealed" that I was the person who set up the account (which I didn't). I now have a ton of people calling me gay, homo, and a lot of other nasty names. So, my question is if Facebook weren't around, then would a lot of other people have social problems that they have today?
@kasic i dont actually know anyone that does that, me and my frineds use it to posts jokes, catch up with old friends and make plans to meet up, its much cheaper than texting
I signed up for Facebook, but stopped later because I really didn't want to update it or use it to communicate with people. Feels like a big invasion of my privacy, I guess.
Facebook is good for talking with friends Even though we must be careful about showing our information as there are many people who may pose for us and screw us life
Yes and no, When online, you feel as though your not really talking with them, which your not, but sometimes you can lose friendship because of this, On the computer you can talk in ways you usually don't. But yes it is good for keeping in touch and stuff.
I will be surprised if it is at all popular 10 years from now.
I agree, Everything comes and goes, Myspace was once popular, now it sucks. It will probably be replaced by something similar though.
Facebook to me is a luxury and should be careful how we use it. It's not a blessing at all, Facebook can harm people in many ways, but it wouldn't be like that if it wasn't for the sick people in the world.
Oh noes! Cyber bullying, i'm so insecure I get depressed when some random troll on the internet makes fun of me! I suppose there are ways to actually harm someone via it though, hacking their account, stalking them, etc.
I suppose there are ways to actually harm someone via it though, hacking their account, stalking them, etc.
But that's never the real case. I've seen suicide stories on CNN and local news and stuff where people have Fb 'friends' making bad comments on their pictures and stuff. This doesn't make too much sense to me considering you can delete the comment and remove the so called friend -- It's weird because I think some people put their social lives at school at such top priority they don't realize all the other things they have and assume their life sucks and it won't go better even if they move, go to college, graduate college, etc. It's kinda sad.