Yeah; the title says much. Mini-Merits can deserves to them who makes popular threads and be worth 40% of a normal Merit. Great ides and replies can may also get Mini-Merits.
Sorry if I'm not the first one who's making these kind of threads!
In the instance of this current version: We can't give merits to threads, so people would have to come asking for them. Unless people have a really good reason, mods will not be amused by being asked for merits. Then no one gets merits.
In the matter of AGv3, AP is not gained through interaction on the forums, but by playing and rating games (or something). However, karma will possibly be raised in the question of a good thread, if enough people are upvoting the OP. Or something.
I don't like the idea or mini-merits and I don't think it's necessary. If there is going to be merits in AG3, then you should get the full merit, rather than a half of it.
I think that if maybe we select a few users for a "merit patrol" kind of thing we wouldn't have to ask mods.
Cormyn stated in a thread in the AG3 sub-forum that they will not be giving users any kind of moderator powers like that. It was a thread about having mini-mods, or something along the lines of that.
Well, I mean admin selected users. They are the same as mods, but just give out mini-merits and normal merits.
So I read this post as administrators will be able to select certain users to give out merits and mini-merits, but they are the same as moderators. So wouldn't that make them a moderator if they are the same as a moderator? Also, I don't understand why mini-merits would be necessary. Couldn't you just keep regular merits around? What's the big difference between a mini-merit and a regular merit? If the post/thread/comment is really merit worthy then it should gain a merit. Just like if a person is really fits the criteria of a moderator, then they should be a moderator instead of having mini-moderators.
If I misunderstood your post in anyway, then tell me.
Well, not that I'm disagreeing with your post, I just said that mods wouldn't have to give out merits. It was an idea to be taken into consideration, but more of just a thought to get your mind functioning in this kind of direction.