Ok, so you are in this creepy bi-tone world. Turn off your alarm clock with space (or not it doesn't matter) and PUT SOME CLOTHS ON. If you are all about speed, fastest way to do this is: 1. Put cloths on 2. Get in elevator 3. go LEFT 4. Talk to hobo 5. (waking up next day) put cloths on (or not?) 6. get in elevator 7. go RIGHT 8. get IN car 9. in the middle of the highway, GET OUT OF CAR AND GO RIGHT 10. pet cow! 11. get back IN CAR and enter scene with 1 leaf on the tree. wait a while, then catch the leaf. 12. get to work. 13. walk for a while, pass YOUR DESK DONT GET IN IT and walk out the back exit. commit suicide. 14. DONT PUT CLOTHS ON 15. go to work... get fired. 16. wake up next day 17. (my wife is gone?) 18. (so is the elevator lady?) 19. (and all the cars??) 20. (and my boss) 21. (and my co-workers) 22. get to the place where you commited suicide.... you see the LAST co-worker... jump.