Lately I've seen a lot of people saying things that are completely wrong. Then, when asked to cite it, they never respond, or they say they don't need to. We all know you need to cite your sources. Well, today we're going to learn how to prove our claims through citing our sources using Easy-Bib is a website that has a program designed for citing things.
Of course, it's obvious, but that just makes it easier to prove. Now let's go to Google and search:
When did World War II occur?
For me, this website came up:
Let's go back to Easy-Bib. Copy and paste the url of the page you want to cite into the box on the easy-bib page. Click "Cit this." You will be directed to a page that contains boxes of text, each box for stuff like author, publisher, etc. If you want to, you can fill these boxes up, but it isn't needed. Scroll down and click "Create Citation." A yellow box with text will appear on the page you were brought to. Copy the text in the yellow box and paste it into the place where you are making your claim. There, cited.
If you followed the example, you should be left with this:
"What Years Did World War II Occur?" Fun Trivia Quizzes - World's Largest Trivia and Quiz Site! Web. 28 May 2011. <>.
This is very nice and all but most of these kids get told by their English teacher over and over again how to cite, so I dont think anyone cares on here because posting on AG is not part of a grade.
Once again this is AG not an academic site and there is no way people can even site some of the crazy claims that are made on here. I am in college and write papers all the time and think it is important to cite the right way.
plagiarism is an offense no matter where it happens DrCool... although I understand where you're coming from... some areas are less serious in nature... but w/ serious discussion as in the Werp. when you say "there was a study that shows this ____that I read"... u need to be able to provide that study or tell us how you came across it so that we may verify it and analyze its credibility. Its about giving credit where credit is due.