So, as I meander though George R.R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series,which is a fantasy series with a perfect example of a feudal society. I then began wondering about our current political systems. For the most part human society has existed in a feudal state. It hasn't been until recently as 1918 that the monarchies and feudal systems have colapsed entirely, aside from figure heads. At least for Western cultures and other developed countries.
Using this historical analysis as a base I began wondering about the near future. Namely space travel and the colonization of other planets. At first Earth based governments would be able to control their colonies and colonists, much like Imperial Britain once did. However, those colonies will not be able to be held on to forever, and eventually something will give. I personally believe such colonies, more often than not, will adopt a feudal like system, and that goes for a galactic scale (assuming Eath reaches that size imperially). So the question I pose is this:
Do you believe that:
1. Earth will eventually become a galactic empire?
2. That such colonies, for the most part, will adopt a feudal society?
I'd say that it'd shape up quite like the world is today, seeing as people would leave because of religious and political persecution, for places valued for their space and natural resources, who'd eventually gain their independence.
I'd say that it'd shape up quite like the world is today, seeing as people would leave because of religious and political persecution, for places valued for their space and natural resources, who'd eventually gain their independence.
Fair enough, but America, which you seem to base your view on, is an odd duck throughout history. Look at the Roman Empire. When it fell it's colonies (I use the term loosely) in Gaul and Britania were left isolated. They had the base for a sophisticated society, but instead fell into a heavily feudal society. The same could happen with a space colony. Simply because you have a base, and ideas planted in the minds of the masses, does not mean those in charge will do what you want.
Also, if an Imperial Earth did not have a Feudal system how would it work?
Also, if an Imperial Earth did not have a Feudal system how would it work?
I'd say that's all speculation, seeing as how much political turmoil the world is in. I think that galactic government would be very innovative and idealistic.
1. Earth will eventually become a galactic empire?
2. That such colonies, for the most part, will adopt a feudal society?
I have some major dune vibes going on right now. I do believe that an empire will form to begin the colonies though if it remains as the colonies mature is another story. Quite possibly a feudal society could develop but Id lean more toward each colony being a bit different in their governments if they break away.
I think its a possible for a "galactic empire", but its definitely not going to happen within our life time. In order for it to occur, a single power would have to dominate the world and it would take much longer than a single lifetime to accomplish that.
I don't see us going galactic, ever. Unless we find another alien planet that wants to feud with us and it's in reasonable distance for each of us to compete over resources, it sounds a little pointless to think about it. From my standpoint, all I can see is the earth getting larger, and then resources and stuff running out, then some wars over here and there, and then new empires and what not that do other stuff. I mean... Colonies do tend to break away. Also, if we ever had the ability to reach other habitable areas, we'd fight over who gets to do what with it.
Also, Feudalism sounds terrible. The only places that ever really used it were Japan and Europe, and they didn't do so well on an international level, so it sounds a little lame to think about it from a historical standpoint.
i don't ever see a feudal system coming back. It's too primitive a way to govern, also too barbaric, inconsiderate, and insensitive. People would never stand for it.
It's too primitive a way to govern, also too barbaric, inconsiderate, and insensitive. People would never stand for it.
Not necessarily. Besides, you have some that would argue that communism is primitive.
I'm a believer that history repeats itself. And while this is based on speculation, should Earth ever turn into a galactic empire I see no other form of government working. Earth would need one leader, that leader would need to appoint lesser leaders of the colonies, those colony leaders would need people to work for them. And so on and so forth.
So, let us assume Earth develops into a galactic empire. How do you believe the government would work?
In my opinion, the planet-colonies would be like some sort of planet-state (i.e. a sovereign state consisting of an independent planet and its surrounding satellites).
However, at the beginning, yes, the planet would be somewhat feudal. Earth's government would appoint lesser officials, who in turn would appoint lesser officials, etc. But after a while, the colonies would become too powerful and independent (due to the very big distances) to be controlled by the Earth-appointed leaders. The planets would revolt and gain independence.
1. Earth will eventually become a galactic empire?
Yup, that's almost 100% sure.
2. That such colonies, for the most part, will adopt a feudal society?
No, colonies have no need for a feudal system. Democracy is a lot more effective. We grew out of the "feudal" era a long time ago. Well maybe not that long ago, but still...