ForumsGame WalkthroughsSinjid: Shadow of the Warrior- Avenger Warrior Build

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Introduction: I got back to playing Sinjid after a couple of years.
It's still the great game as I remember it to be.

Warrior: Immense physical damage and high HP.
Shadow Ninja: Great speed and ability to dodge attacks.
Balanced: Okay physical and magical damage.
Spellcaster: As its name suggests, it inflicts high magical damage.

This walkthrough will be using a Warrior and the Avenger build.

The Avenger build:

Avenger: A stab for revenge, depending on how much life has been lost.

So, if the enemy damages you for 300 HP, and you use Avenger, you'll be wrecking the enemy with a whopping 3000+ damage hit when
Avenger is maxed. For only 25 Mana too. Also, note that you won't have to use your hard-earnt cash to buy expensive weapons because Avenger is primarily calculated by your HP.

Add HP and nothing else. You'll be nearly impossible to kill and once you get Avenger, you'll be able to easily destroy any monster in 1-4 hits depending on how much HP you lose. Those high HP Samurai go down in 1-2 hits. In the Dark portal, The Elemental Ward amazing shield is utterly shattered by an overwhelmingly powerful 2000-3000 Avenger.

For the first few levels. There are two columns, one starting with Stab and the other with Shruikens. You should have 1 in Stab, as you're a warrior. The two columns break into 4. Add your first skill point into the left-most column (the one with the two sword blades). Keep adding down that column. Once you reach the Level 5 tier, and you can't add any points into the skill because you're not level 5 yet, then just save your skill points. Once you are level 5, add one into the skill that looks like an orange circle. Then, continue to save up points until you're level 10. Then, add all those points into Avenger.

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