ForumsWEPRThoughts On Religion (Creation vs evolution)

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9 posts

I currently have no religion, I believe in a God and that is all right now.

I'm very open minded about religion, but I don't see why I should follow one religion over another when every side believes so strongly that they are right?

You might think religion is not so much of a choice but a "feeling" of belongingness? I have never had a feeling like that. I want to though, I want to believe in something, I just want a good reason to do so.

But anyway, one theory I want to bring up is the creation vs evolution. Has anyone else ever thought that it could be both? The bible says the world was created in 7 days, but what if it wasn't our idea of 7 days? What if it was actually 7 billion years? What if God set off the big bang, and started evolution? We are so complicated in out structure and anatomy, so I would think we'd have a more complicated beginning then just *poof* you're here.

What are your thoughts?

  • 23 Replies
1,255 posts

one theory I want to bring up is the creation vs evolution.

Dude, you are so new to this forum, it is crazy.

I suggest going back about 2 pages and finding some threads on this, and then making up your mind, rather than having us do it all over again.

Sorry bro, but the religion in this place is like getting swallowed by mud. You can't escape it and it gets into every pore of your body before finally killing your soul.
9 posts

Sigh. I am new >_>

3,085 posts

Do what Valkery says and also the Big Bang theory and the Theory of Evolution are completely unrelated. Furthermore - why add an extraneous element like 'god' into these theories where it's not necessary?

9 posts

I didn't say the two theories were related, I was suggesting that they could be.

And on the note of me not searching all the current threads, any way I can delete this one?

9,462 posts

You might think religion is not so much of a choice but a "feeling" of belongingness? I have never had a feeling like that. I want to though, I want to believe in something, I just want a good reason to do so.

Religions are entirely faith based, meaning belief without evidence. So you just have to accept the claims made at face value. So if you want something with a good reason to believe in it go with something that offers objective evidence.

But anyway, one theory I want to bring up is the creation vs evolution. Has anyone else ever thought that it could be both?

This has come up and no they aren't compatible. Further more creation isn't a theory.

We are so complicated in out structure and anatomy, so I would think we'd have a more complicated beginning then just *poof* you're here.

If complex structure require an even more complex structure then you end up having to ask who created the creator and we go on for infinity adding the creators, creators, creator etc.
In that case does it not make more sense that we started with a simplistic base that as it combined and recombined began to take on more and more complex structures? We can even observe this happening in things like crystal formation.

I'm not at home right now but I have a good number of links I will post up that you can browse through on the subject.
554 posts

Look, if the bible was talking about evolution they would have said. You are reading too far into this. And it expressly says god made the humans. Humans evolved from primates. And evolution is that we slowly mutated over time. Not that we just randomly appeared.

Please look this up before asking questions about it.

9,462 posts

As I said here you go.
29+ Cases for Macroevolution
An Account of a Debate with a Creationist
An Account of the 1993 Creation Conference
All About Archaeopteryx
Ancient Molecules and Modern Myths
Arachaeopteryx: Answering the Challenge of the Fossil Record
Are Mutations Harmful?
Attributing False Attributes to Thermodynamics
Bombadier Beetles and the Argument of Design
The 'Burdick Print'
Creationism and the Platypus
Creationist Arguments: Java Man
Creationist Arguments: The Monkey Quote
Creationist Arguments: Neandertals
Creationist Arguments: Peking Man
A Creationist Exposed: Gish
Creationist Whppoers
Creationists and Pithecanthropines
The Creation Research Society's Creed
Darwin's Black Box: Irredicule Complexity or Irrepoducible Irreducibility?
Digit Numbering and Limb Development
Dino Blood Redux
Dinosaur Footprints in Coal
Dinosaur Valley State Park
Do Human Tracks Occur in the Kayenta of Arizona?
Debate: Edwards vs. Aguillard
Entropy, Disorder and Life
Evidence for Evolution
The Evolution of Improved Fitness
The Evolution of the Woodpecker's Tongue
Five Major Misconceptions About Evolution
Fossil Hominids: The Evidence for Evolution
Fossil Hominids: Lucy
Genetic Algorithims and Evolutionary Computation
Geologic References in the Paluxy Controversy
How Good are those Young Earth Arguments: A Close Look at Dr. Hovind's List of Young-Earth Arguments and Other Claims
Horse Evolution: Hyrocatherium and Hyrax
IRC Graduate School Catalogue and List of Publications
Images of Neandertals
Information Theory and Creationism: Spetner and Biological Information
Jury-Rigged Design
Kansas Evolution Hearings
Lucy's Knee Joint
A Matter of Degree: Carl Baugh's Alleged Credentials
Observed Instances of Speciation
On Archaeopteryx, Astronomers and Forgery
On the Heels of Dinosaurs
The Origin of Whales and the Power of Independent Evidence
An Overview of Dinosaur Tracking
Peking Man and Homo erectus
Plaigiarised Errors and Molecular Genetics
Publish or Perish: Some Published Works on Biochemical Evolution
A Response to Ashby Camps 'Critique'
Response to Casey Luskin
A Response to Wayne Jackson
Review: Bones of Contention
A Review of IRC's Impact Article 151
A Review of NBC's 'The Mysterious Origins of Man'
Review: Science of Today and the Problems of Genesis
Review: The Image of God
Sauropods, Elephants,Weightlifters
Sea-Monster or Shark?
Scientific Creationism and Error
Scientists Challenge Claim for 60,000 year old Mungo DNA
The Second Law of Thermodynamics, Evolution and Probability
Suspicious Creationist Credentials
A Tale of Two Teeth
The Taylor Site 'Man Tracks'
Ted Holden's Frequent Questions Answered
Ted Holden's World
The Texas Dinosaur/'Man Track' Controversy
Transitional Vertevrate Fossils FAQ
A Visit to the IRC Museum

Lets Test Them: Evolution vs. Creationism
Irrefutable Proof of Evolution- Part 1 (mtDNA, ERVs, Fusion)
Proof of Evolution - Part 2 (Summation)
Proof of Evolution - Part 3 (Atavisms and Fossils- censored)
How Evolution Works- Introduction (Part I)
How Evolution Works- Forces (Part 2)
How Evolution Works Part 3- DNA
How Evolution Works Part 4- Mutations
How Evolution Works Part 5- Natural Selection
How Evolution Works 6- The Constraints of Evolution
How Evolution Works 7: Speciation
Evidence for Evolution, Part I
Evidence for Evolution, Part II
Evidence for Evolution, Part III
Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker
The Evolution of the Flagellum
Evolution of the Bombardier Beetle
How Evolution Causes an Increase in Information, Part I
How Evolution Causes an Increase in Information, Part II
6 -- Natural Selection Made Easy
7 -- The Theory of Evolution Made Easy

1,627 posts

I believe in God, but I believe in evolution, if that makes sense.

1,255 posts

I believe in God, but I believe in evolution, if that makes sense.

Soooo, can we conclude deism? Or is it different?
315 posts

If complex structure require an even more complex structure then you end up having to ask who created the creator and we go on for infinity adding the creators, creators, creator etc.
In that case does it not make more sense that we started with a simplistic base that as it combined and recombined began to take on more and more complex structures? We can even observe this happening in things like crystal formation.
No one created God. God is located in a dimension/universe where time does not apply or even exist. Therefore, nothing began, leading to the conclusion that God is and was always there.
1,482 posts

Or, the simpler answer being, god had no hand in this and it occurred simply due to the chaotic nature of the universe.

Well, that isn't much of an answer. How is our universe chaotic yet, before the big bang, was a piece of ... instantaneous timelessness?

Also, some Christians believe in a mix of evolution/creationism, in a weird way. Personally I feel you can only pick one or two, and so far, I just can't see how a primate could have evolved into a human being so suddenly, with one being so much more intelligent as the other, and to have relatively no trace of that left behind. I mean, if intelligent beings sprawled up everywhere why is it that all of the other homo sapiens happened to die? Cro Magnons and them just randomly disappeared and that just sounds weird.
5,552 posts

I just can't see how a primate could have evolved into a human being so suddenly,

It wasn't "suddenly" it was millions and millions of years of slowly changing...
1,627 posts

More like agnosticism.

1,627 posts

Wow, quote fail.

Soooo, can we conclude deism? Or is it different?

More like agnosticism.

That's better.
5,552 posts

Probably the best evidence is this chimp, suffering from a rare disorder that renders it hairless. As you can see, it resembles it rather humanlike.

No offense to the chimp in that picture, but it looks like something out of a nightmare :O
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