Domination, kill confirmed, and I recently started playing demolition and I'm liking it. I just hate when I'm put on the team with players who don't want to win.
Anyways guys I did try the elite upload thing. Took me about half an hour to edit the videos (Have to edit all thirty seconds separately). Half an hour to upload them and about 1 minute to get them on you tube. You can only upload 30 seconds at a time so it definitely took a while.
All that for this SND ace. It's all six kills and then a 1 vs 5 at the end.
It's unlisted because I don't want people to think I'm trying to make a big youtube channel.
Hope it is alright and worthy of a link.
Anyone that wants to go down this road I do not recommend it. It is completely pointless. If you're serious then you might as well buy the HD PVR.
All that for this SND ace. It's all six kills and then a 1 vs 5 at the end
Blew his new caps out at the end. XD
I had a round of SnD on Terminal (MW2), and had a 6 vs 1 and I had only the Intervention and a throwing knife. Granted, it helped I was playing against a group of people who didn't play very smart.
I like the MSR better than the L118. The L118 is too similar to the L96A1 in Black Ops (which I didn't like) and its scope is big and it takes up like half the screen. The MSR'S smaller and I find has better accuracy.
Haha just had the funniest moment. Went round with the KSG 12 (With damage and extended mags) in FFA and got 30-7. (Y NO MOAB). The next match EVERYONE was using a shotgun. Somehow a guy had unlocked damage for the striker with extended mags so I lost.
It was still funny to see everyone with a shotgun. I love it when things like that happen.
gosh now theres a M.O.A.B,gosh = =,i was hoping there wasnt one..........."Enemy M.O.A.B Incoming!" everyone run's ,the m.o.a.b strike's, everyone die' over,defeated and that dude gets 71/1 DA ****!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?