I'm not quite that skill level.
I had to think psychologically - even in S&D, players like seeking the fight. I know where they are, I take them out and then I take a position where I would be able to take the enemy out - preferably with a viable contingency plan.
Haha. You have to be closer to get a knife,
When I say people run RIGHT past... I mean... literally touching my hitbox when I'm in the grass xD
I think making a noise for the enemy when directly behind them only to stab them then is hilarious, makes them feel paranoid the next game...
Then I bop up from the unsuspected grass. Haha
But yeah, knifing in the back is generally the tactic I go
As in, defusing the bomb when there are still enemy players alive? That's serious humiliation. Nice.
Usually when I'm the last one left. When the guy is planting I lie down directly behind him, once I heard the bomb is planted I immediately go to defuse, you'd be surprised how much it works.
because your rifle (on your back) was sticking out of the grass and someone spotted it. That's a pain.
Ouch, that would be a pain.
It wasn't for me, luckily, I usually did this on Scrapyard (the patch of grass when you're defense to your left at spawn - yep), Estate (there was a sweet patch of grass near B) and Favela (Big bushes - easy), and they all had spots that didn't have that kind of thing going against me, in pretty much ideal positions.
Was pretty awesome.
Ha. But it's also logical, even if it's annoying
Logical, undoubtedly but I'd rather fun (if bad) players than good (but poor attitude) players.
Though I generally don't have fun with bad players :P since the games I play require teamwork (League of Legends, Bad Company 2) it can be very annoying when my friends can't seem to see why we're losing.
Furthermore when I see why and they don't listen.
One thing I don't understand about a lot of players is how slow the progress in terms of skill. League of Legends is EXCEPTIONALLY easy to get good at, at least for me. But I can play with some of my friends and they're still doing the same thing they did when they were 10 levels lower, and it's very confusing.
Then again, I do tend to look at my play style and etc quite often, revising over what could be done - hell, I even made an off-tank build for Jarvan which lets me play the way I want him to, and it has worked very well.
Unfortunately. When you're a sniper/stealth by choice, you really just want everyone to leave you alone.
When a "teammate" t-bags you at B because you had a grudge with him, or even if he doesn't have a reason... no need, and it's stupid.
Not that I cared, often he would be shot right next to me and I wouldn't have been spotted :P
- H