WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT STARC- haha just kidding.
but it's rediculous that you can scavage anything but Clays and C4.
I agree, they should let you Scavenge anything :/
But, I should say that I don't think the Claymore should be in the game at all - it's a plan - wait - free kill no skill weapon, as far as I'm concerned.
Although I should say my priorities (skill and balance) are probably not the developers priorities (fun and brainless game - not something bad, but not something good - especially as a Triple A game imo).
Scrambler is like hanging fresh meat over your head: anyone nearby can smell you and hunts you like a dog.
I don't think they ran a Multiplayer Beta for the game.
A lot of things go unanswered in a game without a beta.
True. But it's kind of fun to denote C4 with your last breath. Depends. It's significantly less efficient, since you die, but it's still a way to have fun.
I'm not one for whackyness unless it's actually useful xD
On that note, it's a shame you can't attach C4 to buddies or yourself, would be pretty cool. xD
Excluding Riot Shields of course.
True, but then again, it's perfect back-up for holding down a bomb site, flag, or common ground, like a doorway frequently used by enemies.
... And that's why it's bad... :P
Claymore always takes out the first guy.
... I know :P That's why it's bad xD
Yes, it is a brainless, guaranteed kill on the closest player who walks into it, but that's still a kill, and it does a good job of saving your life.
Basically why it's bad. If you just took it out, it would remove any solidified safety.
but it is well camoflaged lying inside it.
I think that would be funny, I've often had moments where I've looked at something, been like "Hrmmm...." as in I question what is going on because it doesn't look right.
Only too late I find out. :P
2 kills were you didnt even have to work for
... That's why I think it's overpowered, you know.
If you were really good, and you might be,
By the way - I'd like to ask what you think is actual skill?
What I saw in your last paragraph (following the quoted text) was actually very simple - at a very young age I looked at psychological effects through what exactly you say and the attitude you do it in, and even applied psychology to my games...
That sounds like simple psychology, it's more of a "technique" than skill, but I think the places you put it in an etc - what time, etc, will make it the most efficient / deadly / skillful. :P
- H