Most people know that if you enter www.armorgames/user/the user's name it takes you directly to thier account. A few days ago I noticed accounts are non-case sensitive. For example, my user name is spelled with a lowercase f. Copy and paste this link in your web browser bar where you enter and see what happens. also try entering Compare the data and tell me your result on this forum.
Uhm, otherwise there could be a bunch of users called variations of your username. And as we do not allow imposters or parodies, that would be a problem.
Uhm, otherwise there could be a bunch of users called variations of your username. And as we do not allow imposters or parodies, that would be a problem
Yeah, but's for every user. ACMED and [url=] acmed
I do not see how that changes that making usernames case sensitive would screw with pretty much everyone, create a bunch of trouble and would be more annoying than anything.
And considering half the people that use my username can't even spell it properly, I don't think they care whether it is with a capital C anyway.
Either way, yay, usernames in different ways, woot.