Globus has released a medley on their upcoming album "Break from this World".
Personally this is my favourite band, the orchestral style is stunning and unique, the atmosphere is phenominal and Epicon (their previous album) never gets old - I love each piece of music they have developed thus far (and the same goes for Immediate Music - the people they work with) and I honestly cannot wait for Break from this World.
Those are to name a few of the songs involved, there are others from Epicon, but also I think I should mention Immediate Musics pieces as well since they are essentially one in the same: Shield of Faith Serenta Immortale Prelude to Paradise
Sound familiar to the ones above? That's not a coincidence. <3
Just thought I'd bring this to you all. Truly amazing music and I'm pretty sure I'll be buying both albums because they deserve the money. Will I listen to the album? Probably only on YouTube, but I paid and I truly love what Globus has done.
Sub Forums are the WEPR, AMW, New Comers, Tavern, etc.
AMW if for art YOU have created. So I put my poetry and stuff in the AMW.
Popular Media is for just that, popular media. So if its any art form created by someone else, than it goes here. This includes movies, literature, music/bands, etc.
The key difference between the two is that the AMW is for original art.
Okay, well I can't really say that this isn't original art and nonetheless it might not be considered Popular Media but... one moment (I am checking to see any unknown bands on this subforum <3 )...
I don't know how well known these are. I'd be lying if I said any different for Globus, but at the moment I don't see anything happening to them - that doesn't mean I think this being in the wrong place (if it is in the wrong place) is justified, I'mma just pointing out ones possibly in less appropriate places as well.
So, boiled down - is this in an appropriate place or not? XD