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ForumsThe TavernCat-tactic Advice

6 1374
230 posts

Hey Guys! This your good friend thecattygrl. A lot of people have been searching for advice on personal things in their life so I thought you'd like it if a thread was made to help you guys out. I'm only going to say this once so listen carefully. I AM NOT ANSWER RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONS. As there is already a general relationship thread, I will be answering relationship questions there and ask that everyone else does too. No, I will be answering questions about health, activities, game suggestions and the like. Remember: this is only advice. Don't feel pressured like you have to follow it if you don't want to. Anyone who would also like to help out by answering questions is more than welcome to.

I hope this helps you out a little.

  • 6 Replies
13,344 posts

At first, I thought "Really? An advice thread?" But there's already a..."

And then I read further into it, and saw...

I AM NOT ANSWER RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONS. As there is already a general relationship thread, I will be answering relationship questions there and ask that everyone else does too.

And that made it all much better.

Unfortunately, if people have a miscellaneous topic, they're most likely going to make their own thread about it for anyone to answer as soon as possible rather than come to one person and wait for them to help them.

If someone wants to come to a specific person for advice, they can do that in profile comments.
1,813 posts

I don't want to sound all grumpy and crabby, but why do you believe people would want answers from a specific individual rather than to have the opinion of many. Are you some kind of Buddha?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to shoot you down, rather, I'm trying to know what spurred you to make this; in fact, the overall project is pretty nice of you to do after all. It's just that, you'd expect some old guru to be offering life advices, not a young girl on an internet forum ^^.

354 posts

FallenSky has an excellent point.

467 posts

What kind of advice will you give, I mean most people ask about their relationship so what would people ask here? If I needed advice I would ask someone closer to me than someone on a forum. I'm not trying to be mean, but I want you to think about it If you're planning to do another thread.

6,800 posts

Not to be rude, but you're most likely a young teen. And no teenager has lived long enough to be able to give meaningful, *original* advice. I'd much rather go to an adult or a close friend than seek life changing advice from someone I don't even know.

This is also why I think the Relationship Thread is a farce; a 13 year old is trying to tell me how to have a long and meaninful relationship? Lol, whut?

230 posts

First off guys, I also said anyone else who would like to help answer the advice is more than welcome to.

Secondly, just 'cuz you guys think you know more than me because you MAY or MAY NOT be older than me, that isn't always the case. I could say I was any age and you could do the same so unless you actually know me, you can't be sure.

Third, even if I was younger than you guys, I may have a different outlook on things than you that may in fact come in handy. Sometimes it's the kids are the smarter ones. You never know. I'm not saying that kids should get all up in adults' faces and try to be the better one but it wouldn't kill anybody to hear what the next generation has to say. Unless maybe if it involved fire... Then you may not want to listen to their ideas.

Finally, I'm not trying to attack anybody by saying this, I just want to make a point. Please don't take it personally or anything. Just to heart.

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