ForumsPopular MediaKung-Fu Panda! Ska-doosh, or Ska-don't?

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26 posts

I love Kung-Fu Panda.

The first movie took me, my snobby animation friends, and a lot of people by surprise with its gorgeous look, entertaining premise, and overall quality. Sure, there were a few times when I rolled my eyes .. but for the most part, the movie had two thumbs up for me. It's hilariously self-aware with its parody and jokes in an appropriately family-friendly way, but the movie wasn't afraid to give us a few exhilarating fight scenes.

So here we are a few years later, and the sequel hits theaters. I'll admit, I was a bit wary.

I guess it's sort of the "Hangover" model. No one expected the first product to do well; how, then, do you repeat the same success, the same formula if you don't know what got the hits?

They got it right this time.

Everything I loved about the first movie was there. My friend wasn't as impressed, but I spoke to the larger scope of the second film. One of the things I loved about the first movie was the representation of the animals. The pigs, the rabbits, even the geese all had their own distinct look. Their own walk, their own look. When we get to the Imperial City in the second, you're meeting wolves, gorillas, and even peacocks -- resulting in some of the coolest, strangest fight scenes in all of cinema as though the animators asked themselves "what would happen if a _________ and a ___________ got in a fight .. ?"

Fans of the first movie's villain should know he doesn't make an appearance in the second film -- something that gave me a lot of relief, because your new villain (a banished prince, Shen) is all kinda of awesome. It's nice to see the sort of seedy, genius villain as opposed to the bang-em-up that we got in the first film.

The hugest turn-off for the series, however, is the fact that the other Furious Five have .. essentially .. no characterization at all, save for Tigress. My friend and I sat through both films, greedily drinking up every line given by Mantis and Crane (our favorites!) -- every pithy, unimportant, throw-away line that usually ends up being something relate to a battle. (i.e "comin' your way!"; "watch out!&quot

However, to that point, the focus isn't on Viper, Monkey, Mantis, or Crane .. as frustrating as this is to me. Somehow (somehow!) the movie manages to make me care about the characters, despite not really knowing who they are. I'm a bit torn on that reality, because it's both impressing and a bit distressing.

You may roll your eyes a bit at some origin stuff, but from what I've seen, its cliches are handled a bit more tenderly than most. Also, the varying art styles for flashbacks/memories is fantastic. Lots of digital painting, and lots of layers. It's gorgeous, and I'm actually glad I didn't see it in 3D. Might've detracted from this a bit.

My bestie, an avid animation buff, says the action sequences are above superb. Making kung-fu look natural and smooth on animals, when it's obviously meant for humans? Fantastic.

In all, you're going to enjoy Kung-Fu Panda 2 if you liked the first one. The action keeps climbing and climbing and climbing .. and the climactic scene in the harbor gets visually and emotionally exhilarating, very quickly.

My closing note is how the sequel ends .. very obviously pointing to a third film. With Shrek's horse still kicking ("Puss in Boots", a spin-off, being released eventually .. ) I'm not sure how I feel about all this. The Shrek sequels were okay. That's a whole 'nother debate topic in itself. The second was brilliant. The third had its moment. I didn't see the fourth. Not sure what to do about the spin-off. Is that the future for Kung-Fu Panda? I guess we'll have to see.

Definitely go check it out, though! Well worth your time.

  • 21 Replies
6,800 posts

To sum up what the OP said:

Kung-Fu Panda is what happens when you give animators Acid and Moral Kombat, and tell them to make magic happen.

I thought the first movie was hilarious, expecially with each animal group having its own distintions. It had a few moments of grotesque humor, but overall it was enjoyable.

I haven't seen the second one, and with my current monetary status (or lack therof), I doubt I will.

6,800 posts

Kung-Fu Panda is what happens when you give animators Acid and Mortal Kombat, and tell them to make magic happen.


Its times like these where I wish for an edit button.
71 posts

I loved the first one and have every intention to see the second. Now will it be in the in the theater or on DVD when it comes out? That is the question.

773 posts

Ska-didnt see it because i saw the first one and i thought it was ska-doopid

2,261 posts

Moral Kombat

What an interesting idea for a game... O_o

I saw the second one, but unlike the OP, I have no intention of writing a review on it. Not that there's anything wrong with that. :P

I will say that I did enjoy it as much as the first one, but maybe there'd be a bit more focus on the other characters? My favorite minor character is Crane.
13,817 posts

Moral Kombat

Voted #1 Christian Game of the Decade.

I loved the first Kung-Fu Panda. I'll see how the second one goes, but I'm not expecting to be disappointed.
1,830 posts

Voted #1 Christian Game of the Decade.

I loved the first Kung-Fu Panda. I'll see how the second one goes, but I'm not expecting to be disappointed.

What? theres actually a game?

Ska-didnt see it because i saw the first one and i thought it was ska-doopid

haha, nice.
67 posts

I watched the first. I found it funny but not a stroke of brilliance so i haven't indulged in the second, but i might check it out.

41 posts

Kung - fu Panda was such a funny and a really good movie. Anyone seeing the new Kung-Fu panda 2 movie? Heard its good.

759 posts

^did you read any of the original post?

I havent seen the whole thing yet, i work at a movie theater and I've caught little tidbits here and there but visually it looks absolutely fantastic

45 posts

I liked the first one, but not going to see the second in theaters. Maybe when it come out top rent. It just wasn't Ska-movie magic to me.

2,906 posts

Maybe when it come out top rent.

it doesnt seem like its worth renting. I will just wait until it comes out on ska-netflix.
3,386 posts

The second one was by far the best sequel for any movie I have seen in a long long time. I'm certainly going to buy it, and I hope a third comes out, the last part was a figured, but I still want to see what happens.
I mean, it answers a bunch of questions about Po.
I wasn't a huge fan of the ignorance of the Furious 5, but Tigress really did need that....

100 posts

I enjoyed the first film a lot more than I though I should have and look forward to seeing the second one when it's available on cable. I don't get to theaters often and I'm only willing to pay for on-demand viewing of something I'm just dying to see.

I am looking forward to it though I'm a little disappointed to hear the secondary characters get pretty thoroughly sidelined.

3 posts

It was not ska-doopid, it is definitely my favorite animation movie of all time.

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