ForumsNews and Feedback"The Banned List"

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After looking at some of the post in the AG3 section I thought about this...

Is there a "Banned List"? Basically a list showing banned users and their offenses? I think it might be beneficial to the community if you put up something like that. I haven't looked at the Rules, Conditions, Manuals, etc. In a very long time, so I do forget some of what was in there. (I'm trying to say don't get upset if this is already in one of those)
Privacy may or may not be held with that it's up to all of the developers up at HQ to decide whether or not to do that.
Anyway I'm sure some people want to have a practical sense of what gets them banned.

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2,891 posts

We don't discuss ban reasons with any users other than those being banned. As such, publishing a list wouldn't be very helpful, other than to let friends know they're no longer on the site.

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