throughout the short time I have lived, I have seen one thing that stikes me as curious. why is it that whenever something good happens to them, they belive they did it on their own? But when bad things happen, why do they blame gods name? if anything, it's either all of your own doing that caused something (atheist opinion), or everything that is happening is god's will (christian belief). why do people vaccilate like that when their life just sucks?
why is it that whenever something good happens to them, they belive they did it on their own? But when bad things happen, why do they blame gods name?
Who is, "Them?"
if anything, it's either all of your own doing that caused something (atheist opinion), or everything that is happening is god's will (christian belief).
Correct on Atheist view, except you need to account for chance events like being struck by lightning :P Christians believe God can do no bad, so it's either the fault of themselves or the Devil. (Depending on how fanatic they are...)
why do people vaccilate like that when their life just sucks?
People like something to blame their misfortunes on.
why do people vaccilate like that when their life just sucks?
That's easy. Whenever you did something great, you want to be able to say you did it. Whenever something great happens to you, sometimes you thank god but sometimes you are just too happy to even think about your belief. Whenever you did something wrong, you don't understand why god let that happen, and whenever something bad happens to you, you blame god because people always need someone to blame for bad things.
why is it that whenever something good happens to them, they belive they did it on their own? But when bad things happen, why do they blame gods name?
I think it's the other way. If something bad happens then it is Satan or people are saying: God moves in mysterious ways. But if something good happens they praise the Lord.
if anything, it's either all of your own doing that caused something (atheist opinion)
You can't say that all atheists believe that. Maybe some believe in destiny. And many things just happen to be coincidences.
And not all religous people will call upon their divine creator to explain whatever happens to them. If I get struck by lighting i'll figure there was a small chance that it would happen but it did. I just happened to be the medium the lighting passed through on it's way to the ground. And if I won the lottery I would know it would be based on luck or chance. Of course i'd probably thank God anyway but I usally look for a reasonable answer to my questions in life.
why is it that whenever something good happens to them, they belive they did it on their own? But when bad things happen, why do they blame gods name?
Many of the times I have seen or heard of people doing this they are people who are unwilling to take responsibility for their actions that cause problems, they no problem with saying "I did good" but they simply can't say "I did bad".
throughout the short time I have lived, I have seen one thing that stikes me as curious. why is it that whenever something good happens to them, they belive they did it on their own? But when bad things happen, why do they blame gods name? if anything, it's either all of your own doing that caused something (atheist opinion), or everything that is happening is god's will (christian belief). why do people vaccilate like that when their life just sucks?
Egoism, in short. People want rights but not responsibility.
I don't think it has anything to do with God. You either get the people who strongl believe, the people who strongly don't or the hypocritial population which in my opinion is the majority.
You could ask this question on nearly everything in the world, rather than just religion.
throughout the short time I have lived, I have seen one thing that stikes me as curious. why is it that whenever something good happens to them, they belive they did it on their own? But when bad things happen, why do they blame gods name? if anything, it's either all of your own doing that caused something (atheist opinion), or everything that is happening is god's will (christian belief). why do people vaccilate like that when their life just sucks?
If they can be said to have done well they will take the crdit but if they mess up god is there to blame. I think that one of gods main roles is to give people hope since they think he will reach down from the sky and do the impossible.
They want to accept the glory of their own accomplishments but blame others when things don't work out for them. It is easier to blame an authority figure than your own actions. It's kind of like in the midieval days of European Monarchy: when bad things happened to the peasents, they would form mobs and blame the king for their misfortune. Also at the end of the '20s when the stock market crashed, the majority of investors blamed Hoover.