Well some guys at school (who are in the army/marine reserves) said they would shove a flag up his butt that said "SURPRISE!!!" so that when they did an autopsy there would be a WTF moment.
I would have shaved that beard off once and for all. A cleanshaven Bin Laden would catch the world by surprise more than anything, even if part of his head was missing.
as Mage said... if my orders were to kill him then I would follow orders. If they were to retrieve him then I would've done my best to neutralize him however I would've been told to do so. If I had my pick of how to execute him, I would've had him out in the open for all to see... and then I would've brought a pig out... then I would have promptly cut the pigs head off and then bathed a single bullet in its blood and shown those watching that it was in fact covered (especially the tip...since its the part that fires). then I would load the gun with the bullet and then execute him. knowing that if and when they try and make a martyr of themselves to kill troops that they would be shot down by pig blood laced bullets the people who think that touching a pig sends them to hell would think twice about being forced into hell with no chance of cleansing themselves. but that's just me... (that was patterned after something I heard about in one of my history classes... and whether or not I'd actually do that is a mystery... so don't jump the gun and freak out)
This has high potential to become a hate thread. Already the replies aren't looking that promising, given the options default to a) shoot him in the head b) humiliate his corpse in some utterly degrading way.
Can't say that either two options really wash with this site in general. That said I would rather encourage discussion on what Bin Laden's death actually means for the US, or the world, or anything in general.