Just went back some pages, and I'm facepalming at the stupidity of some of the posts here.
No,gays do spread many diseases way more than straight people,and the point of gays is that one day they will die,they cant survive.
First part: Plain out not true. Gays who have unprotected sex with multiple partners does have a high chance of getting STDs, but newsflash: SO DOES STRAIGHT PEOPLE.
There may have been a time where more gay people were careless about using condoms and sticking to one partner, but that was then. Today, there is not a higher chance for gays to catch STDs than straights with the same kind of behaviour when it comes to decisions about safe sex and partner choices (it is not the gender that is relevant, it is the level of protection).
As for the point. If you believe the point of life is to procreate, well then yes. You may view gays as a fail to do that (though not all gays refrain from having children).
However, everyone will die eventually. Whether or not they had children hardly matters as much as whether or not they did something constructive with their life.
The percentage of gays having AIDS is higher than the percentage of straights because there is a bigger chance to get the virus if you have **** sex rather than "usual" sex (straights have **** sex, too, but again the percentage of straights having **** sex is a lot smaller). If you aren't gay, the higher percentage of gays having AIDS doesn't affect you(or only to a really really low extend), assuming that you don't have sex with one lol.
Because buttsex (no, I don't know why @nal is censored either) is the only kind of sex gays have. . . . . .
Again, if unprotected, yes, it has a higher chance of transferring STDs. It does between straights too, and believe me, plenty of straights get into the buttsexing...
Lesbians and buttsex? Happens, but not stereotypically, so that's half the gay population removed from that post of prejudice.
Not, really. It just might be the fact that..well it could be...okay fine, you win. It is true that homosexual people have diseases. Why do you think they changed to being gay. They couldn't have a relationship with a girl/guy so he/she went to a dude/dudette!
Wtf, dude, serious wtf.
You really think a gay guy would be more interested in hooking up with someone he knew had an STD just for sex than a straight girl would? There's probably some gay guys and straight girls who would hook up with such a guy, but they are not the norm!
Oh, and judging by your post a bit further down you may have been using sarcasm. In that case, what I just wrote would be directed at people who actually believe such a thing. Since those sadly exists.
i also think it makes a hell of a lot mores sense to be gay; i'm a girl and i find relationships with girls a lot more secure and serious than past relationships with guys as yous can connect on the same level, i think same sex couples have a total understanding of their gender whereas straight relationships can leave a lot of confusement and embarrasment
QFT. Though you still need to find a personality type that match in order to get a good synch. And this of course does not need to be the point of homosexuality, it is just one possible side that may be a reason for preferring same sex relationships.
I`ve seen hundreds of them,thats why Im telling you this.(on TV documentaries)
Oh yes, base your view of the world on TV documentaries.
I'm curious as to what kind of documentaries you're talking about, though.