Since one week I can´t save any game with the Firefox Browser, or to be precise the Savegames are gone after resetting the computer. The same thing with Google Chrome. What can I do?
Last night I logged on to the game I have been playing for a couple of weeks and the saved game was gone. I am only filling tiome so I started again and this morning that save was gone. I was saving only in one block and last night I saved each level in a new block. The auto-save seemed to be working but still, it is all gone. I only ever use Windows IE. Any idea what I am doing wrong? I may post this in a new thread. Thanks, Harold
Are you 100% sure that the save games are gone after resetting, or could it be just closing out of the browser?
Flash stores it's files in the following folder (On Windows XP): (System Drive):\\Documents and Settings\\Owner\\Application Data\\Macromedia\\Flash Player\\#SharedObjects
In this directory, you should have a folder with random letters and numbers, open this folder.
Find the folder called
This folder holds the majority of armorgames save files. There should be a large number of SOL files in this directory. If not, post on this thread and describe what you find.
Open up My Computer Open your system drive(main hard drive) Open the folder Documents and Settings Open the current user's folder Open the folder Application Data Open the folder Macromedia Open the folder Flash Player Open the folder #SharedObjects
You probably have a setting turned on that removes all your cookies (save games) on all Internet browsers. I don't know what program do you use to restore the cookies. But just know that you have a setting turned on that removes cookies, you can always turn it off, but again, I don't know what cookie program do you use.
You probably have a setting turned on that removes all your cookies (save games) on all Internet browsers.
That is a possibility. Click Start>Run In the open box type: regedit Click Ok
(WARNING: Modifying the registry can cause severe damage to your computer, do not modify anything unless you are sure of what you are doing)
Open the folder: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion (Click the plusses to expand)
Select the folder Internet Settings. (Do not expand, just highlight) A list of values should appear in the right-hand panel. Make sure the value for AllowCookies is set to 1. (In the panel, it may read 0x00000001 (1))
If set to any other value, right-click the property name and select modify. In the window that appears, type 1 for the value, and click Ok.
Well, OK. I won't give up yet. Mooooo; I use Norton and yes it deletes cookies after asking if it can. But, it does this everyy day or two and I have been playing this for a month or so. arobegamer; Here is the trail in folders. Macromedia Flash Player www, bin airappinstaller = In this folder is the Adobe AIR App installer AND a 3 kb S file called 'digest.s'. end of trail. Mooooo may be right but like I said, I played a month or more with Norton right there working it, keeping me from harm. Why now? Thanks for your help guys.
Because Flash Player didn't provide the "flash cookies" to the browser in older versions, so browsers couldn't delete them along with regular cookies. With the new FP, your save data will get deleted every time you let a program like that run.
Maybe your saved game disappeared because your cookies were deleted. Or if browser history is deleted that can do it too. Active logins must be preserved within a browser or you'll lose things that way too.