I honestly think that armor points should be given out more freely. i mean, given one or two points here, to get to gold king/queen would take a matter of years and there would have to be thousands of more games add and this would also require each game to be played, rated, and commented on. this is just a friendly request, but i think that intelligent comments should be worth at least five armor points.
given one or two points here, to get to gold king/queen would take a matter of years
Would you rather have a site where the highest rank could be reached in a matter of months and it had already been reached by hundreds of users? I'd hate that. It's much better for ranks to take time to achieve, so that it actually means something when you achieve them.
there would have to be thousands of more games add and this would also require each game to be played, rated, and commented on
There's no way of judging whether or not someone has "layed" a game before they rated and commented on it. Achievement systems are the only way to motivate people to actually play the games and not just rate them and comment on them and pretend to play them. This feature will be implemented in AG3, so this game-rating crisis that we've had since the beginning of time should be solved when AG3 is released.
i think that intelligent comments should be worth at least five armor points.
"Intelligent" is a very vague description for a comment, and there would be no way for the site itself to judge whether or not a comment is "intelligent" enough to earn extra points. There is a merit system currently, but it follows specific guidelines and they aren't always easy to obtain.
I've got to agree with Ernie here, the site would be a lot worse off if everyone could be a Golden King within a matter of weeks. To become King or Queen, you have to work hard, and you have to prove that you are dedicating actual time towards Armor Games. If it were a quick trip, everyone would just spam crap comments and be at the top. This system works off a lot better, because it puts an extreme amount of value on the King and Queen ranks because they are so difficult to achieve.
oww i want a merit a lot.... Its looks bad when there's a lot of comments and posts and rates but no merrits whish i have 1 (I SAID I WISH HAVE 1 ARMORGAMES >:O ) And i think like Ernie15 the points are too little and there's lots of rank. I think they can make little changes about it...
They will most likely be sad for the rest of the day if you do.
The must be depressed and have suicidal thoughts by now. "H4I H0I C4N I H4VE DISISS M3R17 THIN6? KTHNX FOR UR T1M3 LOL)! Y0UR _S0 4W3S0ME & 1337 HOW C4N I B3 M0D LIEK JO0?" That would get old fast. Anyyyways.
It's funny that everyone with a low rank want it more easy to get AP and people that have a high rank think it's good. I think that to [with my low rank ] There are people whit 10.000 AP so it's certanly possible. And it would be not fun if 50% of the people are king.
comment=3 AP post=2 AP rate=5 AP game=300 AP merit=75 AP
I agree with the game part. Although, most game developers do not care about AP, since they only come on here to submit their game. But a game should be worth more than that.