Heres a place to post a bunch of your favorite youtube channels.Heres a few that are my favorite:AnimaleTrashvSauceFpsRussiaEpicMealTimemakemebad35NurdRagedcigsfilmriotvlogbrothers
Also jwcfree[url=] : Who is a 15 year old amazing guitarist.
problably Fred Videos or The Biggest Freakout Ever
[url=] this a link to my favorite youtube channel he does music parodies and other random videos
thecomputernerd01 mario78718 hes meh friend
TeamFourStar and rymdreglage are beast channels
I enjoy Blue Xephos's channel and their second channel (I'm a very devoted yognaught) and also epicmealtime
I don't really watch many YouTube channels, but I like desandnate.
TheCattygrl (My own channel OC). CardgamesFTWIAmMokubaYouLostTheGame323 (My friend)JudaiChocolateKaitouHyuugaTheRealMarikIshtarryoudragon
my channel -> [url=]favorites:/DJProjectOfficial,/AHTIKIJIEP (channel trailers)/planetamixrecords/CDur5 (guitar lessons)...etc.
My Favorite Youtube Channels: SxephilLikeTotallyAwesomeFPSRussianigahigapatrickstumpTHE END
FPSRussia. His videos make me laugh often and I like to see how different guns are used.
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