I believe it would be to stop you gaining those extra AP for just re-rating the game. Although, they could make it so you dont gain extra AP for your second+ rating(s) although that would require more work which would not be worth it considering AG3 is near completion.
I believe it would be to stop you gaining those extra AP for just re-rating the game. Although, they could make it so you dont gain extra AP for your second+ rating(s) although that would require more work which would not be worth it considering AG3 is near completion.
I agree with you,it would be nice to have the chance to re-rate some games that i didnt like awhile back but now im liking more or the producer did some good changes/repair.
Shard, this is exactly why we allow re-rating in AG3. If we launch a game and it's got bugs, it'll get a horrible rating. But if we get the game developer to fix those bugs, the game might be *perfect* now, but still suffer from low ratings. This way, users that rated it low for being buggy could see that an update was made, play it again, and rate it again based on the new version.