It's because most of the newcomers make topics like "Hi," and then the OP is just "hi im new." and a lot of newcomers reply "me too! add me?" And a lot of other people reply "Welcome to AG! go to the help page for all your questions!" That's not really worth AP. Only some of the topics are questions, and they probably deserve AP, but there's not enough. (i think)
The Newcomers forum does not have AP because it is a place for users to introduce themselves and get used to the site. And you should get points for helping people. You should just help them.
To quote Carlie
Because this is a place for people to learn how forums work, and learn how to stop doing things like spam. It is just a forum for people who have quick questions, and people to answer. Not to post in for points, just to help out. I think that this will help discourage people from posting to help people just for the point count, and just because they actually want to help.
I guess it'd make getting AP points much easier, but it wouldn't reall be fair. It's kind of like a chat to welcome them & if AG introduce a chat, we won't be getting AP for that.
I think there should be a section for questions, and a section with no AP for introductions. Then those helpful folks can get those of points that they deserve.
I think there should be a section for questions, and a section with no AP for introductions. Then those helpful folks can get those of points that they deserve.
That seems like a good idea. We do already have the support and suggestions forum, but it seems like that might be a better idea
Pinkie, how does your suggestion differ from our no-AP Newcomers forum ("a section with no AP for introductions" and our Support forum that does award AP ("those helpful folks can get the points they deserve"
Newcomers can post in the Support and Suggestions forum if they have questions about the site. Another option is to make an F.A.Q. that is easy for users to access.