ForumsForum GamesRealm of Shadows

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2,159 posts

You are suddenly awoken by a thorough chill that pulses through your body. Half-awake, you get out of bed and begin getting dressed. You finish, but then notice something strange: the sun isn't up, yet there is an eerie light filling your room.
You explore the rest of your house and find that you are alone. No family. You step outside. Shadowy mists are flowing everywhere, and disgruntling whispers can be heard from... somewhere. A pang of fear pierces your chest when you look around and see nothing. All that is visible in any direction more than 50 feet outside of your house is a roiling blackness.

This is a role-playing game set in a mysterious shadowy realm.
Up to 7 people may join by filling out the form below:
[You have 15 points to use on the below stats.]
[This is related to the damage you will deal.]
Defense: [This is related to your resistance to taking damage.]
Agility: [This determines who moves first, second, etc.]
Luck: [This determines you chance to do extra damage, and the amount of extra damage done.]
Ability name: [You get to be creative! I will check this.]
Ability description: [You get to decide! I will check this, too.]

Up to 7 players will be accepted. Players will engage it battles with enemies that I determine. Players will request their actions to me during a battle, and I will do appropriate calculations. Players start at level 1, and will receive experience (XP) to level up for doing damage to enemies, defeating an enemy, and winning a battle (though there may be more).
Outside of battle, I will provide some guidance, but overall the players will request what to do. There are innumerable actions players can choose. When one player suggests an action, I will either post it for players to agree with or shoot down, and if a player consensus has already been reached, I will tell what happens as a result of the players' actions. If the players wish to separate and explore separately, that is fine, they need only request it. However, the hordes of enemies players encounter will NOT be weakened for a solo player.

Any other information needed? Just ask!

  • 656 Replies
239 posts

Name: Jon Cook [Eclipses Party leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 17.8
To next level: 7.2 XP
Level: 2
Health: 16/22
Offense: 4
Defense: 2
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Ability: Assassin [Is very stealthy and can break necks.]

Go for it!

294 posts

Name: Ben Fyre
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Ability: Guard Hounds [Can summon any type of hound desired (cannot attack while hound is present).]

I use one of my dimension hounds to teleport out of there

2,159 posts

[Gah! People post too quickly!

IMPORTANT! I want player opinion: how would you feel about me allowing more players? I created a limit of seven so I could have enough time to figure out how to run this thing, and now that I have it somewhat down, I'm okay with raising the player limit to ten (add three players).

I'd like quick feedback, please!

Thanks, all!

Also, I may be inactive for a few hours, I have drive time with my Driver Education instructor... Bleck...]

239 posts

im ok with it now tell me what happend! >=3

6,804 posts

Name: Mav
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 16/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 3
Luck: 2
Ability: Stoic [Feels nothing; no fear, no pain, no weakness.]

Battle 1 - Turn 1

Mav's turn

Mav attacks Shadow 1.

Shadow 1 takes 16 damage.
Mav accrues 1.6 XP.

Shadow 1's turn

Shadow 1 attacks Mav.
Mav takes 1 damage.

Shadow 2's turn
Shadow 2 shoots a burst of shadowy energy at Mav.

Mav takes 3 damage.

Mav -- lv1 -- 16/20 -- Stoic -- 2.6XP from battle so far
Offense 5
Defense 5
Agility 3
Luck 2

1: Shadow -- lv1 -- 9/25
2: Shadow -- lv1 -- 25/25

Mortal Kombat: FINISH HIM!!!

294 posts

you should allow more people yeah!!!!!

9,447 posts

Name: James Kratos
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 4
Luck: 2
Ability: Melee Master [Is very skilled with melee and brawl weapons.]

Knowing I have no better option, I follow the figure.

{Sure add some more players if you can handle it. Oh and good luck driving!}

1,255 posts

Name: Sensei Bassami [Party 2 leader]
Gender: Male (21 years)
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 4
Luck: 1
Ability: Ninja sensei [Has the powers of a ninja, but is faster, stronger, and possesses more weapons.]

il name the party assisins and try to find out whats going on with the help of blue wings

2,159 posts

[One word. Phew. This is a loooooooong post. ]
Eclipses Party

Name: Jon Cook [Eclipses Party leader]
Gender: Male
XP: 17.8
To next level: 7.2 XP
Level: 2
Health: 21/22 [Healed over time.]
Offense: 4
Defense: 2
Agility: 6
Luck: 6
Ability: Assassin [Is very stealthy and can break necks.]

Name: Jack Chaos [Eclipses Party member]
Gender: Male
XP: 7.1
To next level: 2.9 XP
Level: 1
Health: 19/20 [Healed over time.]
Offense: 4
Defense: 3
Agility: 4
Luck: 4
Ability: Ninja [Can do epic jumps, be sneaky, and all that other stuff ninjas can do.]

You reach the dark roadway that connects the malevolent-looking castle and more malevolent-looking portal. You are debating which one to visit when three shadowy figures appear around you!

Battle begin! Battle 4

XP bonus!
Outnumbered +1XP for Jon Cook and Jack Chaos
[Attacked by a horde with greater numbers than your party.]
Deadweight +1XP for Jon Cook
[Attacked a horde with party member(s) being inactive for some time.]

Jon Cook -- lv2 -- 21/22 -- Assassin -- 2XP from battle so far
     Offense 4
     Defense 2
     Agility 6
     Luck 6
Jack Chaos -- lv1 -- 19/20 -- Ninja -- 1XP from battle so far
     Offense 4
     Defense 3
     Agility 4
     Luck 4

1: Shadow -- lv1 -- 25/25
2: Shadow -- lv1 -- 25/25
3: Shadow -- lv3 -- 70/70
Name: Ben Fyre
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 3
Luck: 3
Ability: Guard Hounds [Can summon any type of hound desired (cannot attack while hound is present).]

You manage to teleport only half a mile; you are still a weak from summoning the last hound, and now you have almost no strength to donate toward summoning another. Behind you, the roar of the shadow twister can still be heard...
Name: Mav
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 16/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 3
Luck: 2
Ability: Stoic [Feels nothing; no fear, no pain, no weakness.]

Battle 1 - Turn 2

XP bonus!
Fearless +1XP for Mav
[The value of this bonus was adjusted.]

Mav's turn
Mav unleashes a frightening fury upon Shadow 1.
Shadow 1 takes 16 damage (only 9 dealt). Mav accrues 0.9 XP.

Shadow 1 is defeated!
Mav gets 2XP for this feat.

Shadow 2's turn
Shadow 2 angrily charges Mav, who fails to evade its fury.
Mav takes 6 damage.

Mav -- lv1 -- 10/20 -- Stoic -- 6.5XP from battle so far
Offense 5
Defense 5
Agility 3
Luck 2

2: Shadow -- lv1 -- 25/25
Name: James Kratos
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 4
Agility: 4
Luck: 2
Ability: Melee Master [Is very skilled with melee and brawl weapons.]

The hallway continues to widen until, seemingly from nowhere, a huge castle appears. As you are walked toward the front gate, you swear you see two human-like figures on a road that leads between the castle and a weird shadowy circle. But your view is blocked as the castle walls engulf you, and you are led inside.

Once inside, you find yourself in a foyer. However, this welcoming room does not seem welcoming at all. In fact, it matches the shadowy theme perfectly; black furniture, black flooring; even the lights are black (might as well call them darks), and seem to cast, instead of light, a dark essence across the room.

The tall figure turns to face you, and states firmly, "Wait here. Do NOT move until I permit you to do so." It disappears into a side room, and you hear the clash of soft voices, as if two people were arguing and not wanting you to hear a word...
---------------------------------------------------------------------Assisins [Were you going for assassins? ]

Name: Sensei Bassami [Assisins leader]
Gender: Male (21 years)
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 4
Luck: 1
Ability: Ninja sensei [Has the powers of a ninja, but is faster, stronger, and possesses more weapons.]

Name: Blue Wings [Assisins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 2
Defense: 2
Agility: 7
Luck: 4
Ability: Elemental [Has some control over the elements.]

Blue Wings informs you that his flames have been of no use in deterring the swarming shadows...

You turn, expecting to head home and try to answer some of your inquisitions, but instead all you see is more shadow. Frantically, you look around. To your chagrin, you find that the shadow wall had advanced to provide you with a mere 10ft by 10ft area. Worse, it is still advancing...

2,159 posts

[Well, sorry everyone, but some weird stuff went on with that post... Maybe I shouldn't write so much in one post. Or maybe that's not my fault, with everyone post all at ONCE!

Just kidding, thanks everyone for the involvement, I really appreciate it. And remember, if you ever have anything to suggest, don't hesitate!]

6,804 posts

Name: Mav
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 16/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 3
Luck: 2
Ability: Stoic [Feels nothing; no fear, no pain, no weakness.]

Kill Shadow 2.

2,159 posts

[ATTENTION! Three more players can now join this RPG!

Going for the triple post!

Alright, due to player enthusiasm, I have decided to allow three (3) more players to join this RPG!]

2,159 posts

Name: Mav
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 16/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 3
Luck: 2
Ability: Stoic [Feels nothing; no fear, no pain, no weakness.]

Battle 1 - Turn 3

Mav's turn
Mav charges Shadow 2!
Shadow 2 takes 16 damage. Mav accrues 1.6 XP.

Shadow 2's turn
Shadow 2 sends a wave of shadow coursing through its body, appearing to make it more dangerous.

Mav -- lv1 -- 10/20 -- Stoic -- 8.1XP from battle so far
Offense 5
Defense 5
Agility 3
Luck 2

2: Shadow -- lv1 -- 9/25 !!!Appears to have raised Offense

1,255 posts

yeah assassins wrong spelling i did

Name: Sensei Bassami [Assisins leader]
Gender: Male (21 years)
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 5
Defense: 5
Agility: 4
Luck: 1
Ability: Ninja sensei [Has the powers of a ninja, but is faster, stronger, and possesses more weapons.]

and i try to retreat from the shadow wall and go back and tack wings with my self too

5,346 posts

Name: Blue Wings [Assisins member]
Gender: Male
XP: 0
To next level: 10 XP
Level: 1
Health: 20/20
Offense: 2
Defense: 2
Agility: 7
Luck: 4
Ability: Elemental [Has some control over the elements.]

"sensei, now that i think about it... my fire on the stick didnt do anything. but for some reason when it was on my hand the shadows were really eager to put it out. maybe it actually hurts them when on my hand? i will try it next time the shadows will be close."

[actually i try to post every day lol and i made this post in 08:57 morning]

Showing 91-105 of 656