Okay, I am getting frustrated because I am stuck and I don't know where to go.
Well, I am not stupid anymore lolz. xD Okay I figured out how to beat it and I have beaten it already. Thanx!
I can't figure out what to do after you get the first level light shield, so I stopped playing because it was starting to get annoying :P
The game is pretty good about showing the location of the next nugget of plot in the minimap.Specifically, once you get the light shield, you can survive swimming across that long beam that's crossing the lake, provided you dash across it.
The game is excellent, but you die so many times and it takes so long to regenerate.
[b]doe[i]s any one know how to beat KOLM 2
there is a walkthrough on it somewhere although you have got to go back to your mother down the bottom
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